Guide to the UM Transmittal Sheet for Sponsored Projects

The University of Mississippi Transmittal Sheet for Sponsored Projects is an internal form that tracks and documents the University’s review and approval of plans and commitments contained in proposals to external sponsors. The transmittal sheet addresses administrative and fiscal issues that must be satisfied before the proposal is submitted, and ensures that potential risks are considered, commitments are acknowledged, and work proposed is in accord with university and sponsor policies as well as federal and state law. Allow at least five working days for review and processing of transmittal sheet, budget, and proposal by the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.

Proposal Data

Project Title
Enter project title (or shortened version) as shown on proposal cover sheet or title page.
Proposed Project Period
Enter start/end dates for entire project period requested from sponsor as mm/dd/yyyy.
Enter complete name of funding agency and title of program (if applicable) to which this proposal is submitted. If proposal is for a subcontract from another university, enter that institution as sponsor and also indicate source of funds. (Example: University of Hawaii/NSF)
Sponsor Deadline
Enter the sponsor’s published or other deadline in the appropriate space (postmark, receipt, or electronic submission); you may also indicate when you would like to pick up the approved proposal from ORSP.
Proposal Type:
Original submission of a full proposal.
Proposal dealing with some modification of a previous submission.
Proposal previously submitted and not funded; now being revised and resubmitted to same or different sponsor (leave blank empty for ORSP use).
Competitive Renewal
Proposal for continuation of a project for which agency funds have not been committed.
Proposal required by sponsor to justify continuation of a project for which funding has already been committed. Also enter project continuation year supported by this proposal. (Example: Year 4)
Supplement to Existing Grant
Request for additional funds during an existing project period, Also enter UM grant account number assigned to existing grant (35#######X).
Proposal for a subgrant to be awarded internally from an existing UM grant funding a larger research initiative.
Proposal Area:
Any activity specifically organized to produce research outcomes.
Education and Training
Any activity that is part of an institution’s formally organized instruction program.
Public Service
Any activity that provides non-instructional services beneficial to individuals and groups outside the university.
Scholarships and Fellowships
Any scholarships or fellowships in the form of grants, trainee stipends, prizes or awards for individuals enrolled in formal course work.
Any activity that does not fall into any of the above categories; enter description in space provided.
Brief Project Description
Limit to the available space. Please summarize the project activity and relevant details to quickly convey the purpose and methodology of the project to ORSP staff.

Principal Investigator/Project Director Information

Principal Investigator or Project Director
Originates proposal and directs project if funded; must be a permanent employee (faculty/staff) of the University of Mississippi. Enter name and campus contact information for PI and any UM co-investigators. If necessary, attach extra page to list additional names; include all information shown on all UM key personnel.

Verification of Compliance and Agreement

Committee and Unit Approvals
Note each compliance and service/review area and indicate whether it applies to this project. If any compliance committee reviews are applicable, approval must be obtained before project can begin (if funded). If any listed units are providing services or review on this project, approval must be obtained before proposal is routed to ORSP.

Budget Information

Enter project costs and cost-sharing for each year of proposed budget (form will calculate totals). In-kind cost sharing typically includes salaries, fringe benefits, and indirect costs related to UM’s share of direct costs. Cash cost-sharing includes all other budgeted project costs to be paid by UM.

Cash Cost-Sharing

Provide complete details for all cash cost-sharing committed by UM for this project. Enter project year (1, 2, 3, etc.), cost item, dollar amount, UM account to be charged (if project is funded), and obtain signature of account signatory.

Post-Doc and Graduate Student Information

Enter proposed numbers of post-docs and graduate students to be employed as described; if none, enter 0. If no graduate students are to be employed, leave check boxes blank; otherwise, check one box which correctly describes graduate student tuition in this proposal budget. Any variation from university policy must be requested in writing with the transmittal sheet and may be approved by the Vice Chancellor for Research and Sponsored Programs at the time of proposal approval/signature.

Facilities and Administrative Cost Details

Indicate which of UM’s federally negotiated F&A rates is being used in this proposal budget. If F&A costs are limited or prohibited by sponsor, enter rate used with explanation in space provided, and attach sponsor guidelines or other documentation.

Facilities and Administrative Cost Distribution

If multiple departments/schools will be involved in carrying out this project, enter description of how F&A will be distributed among participating units; academic administrators’ initials are required to approve this distribution plan.

Authorizing Signatures

Obtain signatures of all UM investigators on this project and the chair/dean/director for each investigator before submitting to ORSP.
Certifies agreement to adhere to federal, state, sponsor and university policies governing sponsored program activity; also certifies agreement to terms of UM Objectivity in Research and Misconduct in Research Policies.
Department Chair
Indicates proposal has been reviewed and meets goals of department/unit and that resources committed to project have been approved.
Dean or Director
Indicates that project meets goals of school/division and that resources required for project have been approved.
ORSP Accountant
Indicates proposal budget and financial commitments have been reviewed for accuracy and compliance with university policies and applicable regulations.
Vice Chancellor/ORSP
Indicates institutional approval for proposal to be submitted to sponsor.

Financial Conflict of Interest Assurance

To be completed by all persons who have design, conduct, or reporting responsibilities for this project (note this may include students). Print as many copies of the Assurance as needed for all project personnel. Before completing the Assurance, all project personnel should review the University of Mississippi Objectivity in Research Policy.