Funding Opportunities - Limited Submissions

Limited Funding Opportunity

DOE EPSCoR Call for Preproposals


Mississippi Research Consortium Submission to the

Department of Energy

Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR)

NIH Building Infrastructure Leading to Diversity (BUILD) (U54)

Solicitation of UM Pre-Proposals and Idea Papers for Primary (Lead) Institutions for
NIH’s Building Infrastructure Leading to Diversity (BUILD) Initiative (U54); FOA Number: RFA-RM-016

Pre-Proposals are solicited from prospective lead investigators to be considered for institutional nomination for the 2014 Building Infrastructure Leading to Diversity (BUILD) Initiative (U54) competition, sponsored by NIH.

NASA EPSCoR 2014 Solicitation

Solicitation of White Papers
from researchers at any of the institutions of higher learning within the  
Mississippi NASA EPSCoR Jurisdiction
issued by the
Mississippi NASA EPSCoR Office
in response to the
 FY 2014 NASA EPSCoR Research Announcement/Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN)

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)- Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Program Grant

Program:  NIST is soliciting applications from eligible colleges and universities in the U.S. and its territories, nominating undergraduate students to participate in the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Program (SURF Program). The SURF Program will provide research opportunities for undergraduate students to work with internationally known NIST scientists, to expose them to cutting-edge research, and to promote the pursuit of graduate degrees in science and engineering.

GoMRI RFP IV: Investigating the Effects of Oil Spills on the Environment and Public Health

The Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative has announced the 4th phase RFP, with pre-proposals due January 4th. This will be handled within UM as a limited submission opportunity. As such, those planning to serve as a Consortium Director on a proposal should notify ORSP (Alice Clark or Jason Hale)) no later than December 6, and those planning to serve as IN ANY CAPACITY (PI, co-PI, or collaborator) on any proposal from UM or another instiution must notify ORSP no later than December 13, or after the 13th, immediately upon being invited to collaborate on a proposal.

SEC Visiting Faculty Travel Grants Program 2013-14 (UPDATED 11/19)

Updates in Bold

University of Mississippi faculty may apply for grants to visit other SEC universities through a program sponsored by the SECU academic initiative, and administered at UM for the Provost by the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP). The program is intended to enhance faculty collaboration that stimulates scholarly initiatives between SEC universities. It gives faculty members at UM and other SEC universities the opportunity to travel to any another SEC campus to exchange ideas, develop grant proposals, and conduct research.

UM Call for Internal Pre-proposals for NSF Major Research Instrumentation (MRI)


Pre-proposals are due to UM ORSP by December 4, 2013 for this limited funding opportunity to acquire or develop shared scientific and engineering instruments for research and research training.

Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award Competition 2014

Program:  Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) has announced the Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award competition for 2014. These awards are intended to enrich the research and professional growth of junior faculty and result in new funding opportunities. Each award is $5,000 for one year (June 1 to May 31) and requires an institutional match of $5,000. UM internal due date for applications is December 11, 2013.

ORAU University Partnerships Office - Graduate Student Support to Attend the Nobel Laureates Meeting in Germany

Program:  Since 1951, Nobel Laureates in chemistry, physics, and physiology/medicine convene annually in Lindau, Germany, to have open and informal meetings with students and young researchers. The Laureates lecture on the topic of their choice in the mornings and participate in less formal, small-group discussions with the students in the afternoons and some evenings.

NSF Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Talent Expansion Program (STEP)

Program:  The Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Talent Expansion Program (STEP) seeks to increase the number of students (U.S. citizens or permanent residents) receiving associate or baccalaureate degrees in established or emerging fields within science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Type 1 proposals are solicited that provide for full implementation efforts at academic institutions. Type 2 proposals are solicited that support educational research projects on associate or baccalaureate degree attainment in STEM.
