Funding Opportunity

News items for funding opportunities.

Click here for limited submission funding opportunities.

NSF-Long Term Research in Environmental Biology Program

Program:  The Division of Environmental Biology (DEB) and the Division of Integrative Organismal Systems (IOS) of the National Science Foundation (NSF) encourage the submission of proposals that generate extended time series of biological and environmental data to address ecological and evolutionary processes and resolve important issues in organismal and environmental biology. Researchers must have collected at least six years of previous data to qualify for funding, and these data must motivate the proposed research.

Mickey Leland 2013 Fellowships

Program:  The Mickey Leland Energy Fellowship (MLEF) program, sponsored by the U.S. Dept. of Energy's Office of Fossil Energy, is a Paid 10-week summer internship program that provides opportunities to minority and female students who are pursuing degrees in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) majors.  Candidates who are selected will have the opportunity to work on focused research projects consistent with the mission of the Office of Fossil Energy.

Summer Internships sponsored by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security


The competition for the 2013 HS-STEM Summer Internships sponsored by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is currently open. 

Interdisciplinary Research in Hazards and Disasters (Hazards SEES) (National Science Foundation

Program:  The Division of Mathematical Sciences (DMS) of the National Science Foundation announces its participation in a multi-directorate NSF Program: Interdisciplinary Research in Hazards and Disasters. A variety of factors are contributing to escalating personal and financial costs resulting from disasters linked to natural phenomena. The Hazards SEES Program is aimed at addressing the critical need for scientific research into the understanding of natural and technological hazards linked to natural phenomena.

NSF Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL)

The Advancing Informal STEM Learning program invests in research and development of innovative and field-advancing out-of-school STEM learning and emerging STEM learning environments.

USDA- Secondary Education, Two-Year Postsecondary Education, and Agriculture in the K-12 Classroom Challenge Grants

Program:  USDA – NIFA Response: Building upon the four “New Biology for the 21st Century” challenges, above, USDA-NIFA has refocused its mission to direct agricultural sciences research, education, and extension programs on addressing five Priority Areas:

NIH- Exploratory/Developmental Bioengineering Research Grants

Program: The goal for exploratory/developmental bioengineering research grants (EBRG)  from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is to foster the exploration and development of innovative technologies, models, techniques, designs, and methods that have the potential to substantially advance biomedical research by infusing principles and concepts from the quantitative sciences to transform our understanding of biological, clinical or translational science.

Shell Marine Habitat Program 2012 RFP

The Shell Marine Habitat Program, a partnership between Shell Oil Compnay and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, was formed to support conservation and restoration activities that result in measurable benefits to key species and their habitats along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico.  Pre-proposals due to sponsor June 15, 2012. Funding priorities for this RFP include Oyster Conservation and Restoration, Coastal Shorebirds and Water Birds, and Sea Turtles.

2013 INCITE Call for Proposals

The Innovative and Novel Computational Impact on Theory and Experiment (INCITE) program is seeking proposals of research for awards of time on next-generation supercomputing systems.

INCITE promotes transformational advances in science and technology through large allocations of comptuer time, supporting resources, and data storage at the Argonne and Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facilities (LCF) for computationally intensive, large-scale research projects.

National Center for Intermodal Transportation for Economic Competitiveness

The National Center for Intermodal Transportation for Economic Competitiveness (NCITEC), a national University Transportation Center (UTC), established through a $3.5M grant from the Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA) of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) has issued a request for proposals.
