
NEA Grants for Arts Projects

Funding Opp.:

Grants for Arts Projects

Opp. Website:


National Endowment for the Arts


NSF Major Research Instrumentation (MRI)

UM Call for Internal Pre-proposals for NSF Major Research Instrumentation (MRI)
 Internal UM competition for 2024 NSF competition

NEH Presentation to UM March 20, 2024

Dr. John Cox will briefly discuss the NEH funding opportunities below via Zoom at 1pm on March 20, 2024. See UM Today for the Zoom link.


Deadline: April 10

NSF Innovations in Graduate Education 2024

Solicitation of Notices of Intent to Lead or Participate in an NSF Innovations in Graduate Research (IGR) proposal in 2024

UM ORSP Research Development (RD) seeks notice of intent by March 11 from PI’s interested in leading (as PI of a UM proposal) or collaborating on (as co-PI on a non-UM proposal) in April 2024 to the NSF Innovations in Graduate Education (IGR) program[1].


The National Science Foundation (NSF) Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG) provides guidance to Investigators and their Research Administrators as they are preparing proposals for submission to NSF.  Currently, NSF proposals must follow NSF’s PAPPG 23-1.  However, on January 22nd, NSF issued a revised version of the NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 24-1).

NSF EPSCoR Track-4:NSF: EPSCoR Research Fellows

NSF EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement (R II) Track-4:
EPSCoR Research Fellows (
NSF 22-535)

Solicitation of UM Pre-Proposals for Limited Submission Opportunity

UM may submit up to 4 applications to RII Track-4:NSF

UM is not eligible to submit to RII Track-4:@NASA

Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Awards

UM Call for Internal Pre-proposals for Institutional Nomination for
Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Awards 2025