Funding Opportunity

News items for funding opportunities.

Click here for limited submission funding opportunities.

NSF- East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes for U.S. Graduate Students (EAPSI)

Program:  EAPSI awards are available in any area of science and engineering research or education supported by NSF.  EAPSI awards provide U.S. graduate students in science and engineering: 1) first-hand research experiences in partner locations, i.e., Australia, China, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, Singapore, or Taiwan; 2) an introduction to the science, science policy, and scientific infrastructure of the respective location; and 3) an orientation to the society, culture, and language of these locations.

NEH- Sustaining Cultural Heritage Collections Grant

Program:  The Sustaining Cultural Heritage Collections (SCHC) helps cultural institutions meet the complex challenge of preserving large and diverse holdings of humanities materials for future generations by supporting preventive conservation measures that mitigate deterioration and prolong the useful life of collections.

OAK Ridge Associated Universities Events Sponsorship Program

Program:  The OAK Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) University Partnerships Office is pleased to provide the information below regarding an opportunity only available to ORAU sponsoring and associate universities and branch campuses.

Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 Department of Defense Multidisciplinary Research Program of the University Research Initiative (MURI)

Program:  The MURI program supports basic research in science and engineering at U.S. institutions of higher education that is of potential interest to the Department of Defense (DoD). The program is focused on multidisciplinary research efforts where more than one traditional discipline interacts to provide rapid advances in scientific areas of interest to the DoD.

NSF- Documenting Endangered Languages (DEL)

Program:  This funding partnership between the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) supports projects to develop and advance knowledge concerning endangered human languages. Made urgent by the imminent death of roughly half of the approximately 7000 currently used languages, this effort aims to exploit advances in information technology to build computational infrastructure for endangered language research.

NOAA- Climate Program Office FY 2014

Program:  Climate variability and change present society with significant economic, health, safety, and national security challenges.  The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) advances scientific and technical programs to help society cope with, and adapt to, today’s variations in climate and to prepare for tomorrow’s.

NEA- Art Works

Program:  The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) Office of Research & Analysis will make awards to support research that investigates the value and/or impact of the arts, either as individual components within the U.S. arts ecology or as they interact with each other and/or with other domains of American life.

NSF- Graduate Research Fellowship Program

Program:  The purpose of the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) is to help ensure the vitality and diversity of the scientific and engineering workforce of the United States. The program recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students who are pursuing research-based master's and doctoral degrees in fields within NSF's mission. The GRFP provides three years of support for the graduate education of individuals who have demonstrated their potential for significant achievements in science and engineering research.

NLM Express Research Grants in Biomedical Informatics (R01)

Program:  The National Library of Medicine (NLM) offers support for innovative research in biomedical informatics. The scope of NLM's interest in the research domain of informatics is interdisciplinary, encompassing informatics problem areas in the application domains of health care, public health, basic biomedical research, bioinformatics, biological modeling, translational research and health information management in disasters.

The Social Science Research Council (SSRC)- Abe Fellowship Program

Program:  The Abe Fellowship is designed to encourage international multidisciplinary research on topics of pressing global concern. The program seeks to foster the development of a new generation of researchers who are interested in policy-relevant topics of long-range importance and who are willing to become key members of a bilateral and global research network built around such topics.
