The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs is seeking to improve services to UM faculty and staff by implementing a new Notification of Intent to Submit mechanism. The Notification, a form available on the OR homepage and through departmental chairs’ offices, provides a way for Principal Investigators to request the services the OR can perform, such as proofreading, assistance with budget development, and facilitating meetings with collaborators. Use of the form is NOT required, but is strongly encouraged as a means of helping the OR provide better service. The OR asks that Notification of a need of services be sent at least 10 days before the deadline for submission in order to guarantee that staff are available and ready to assist; however, the OR will do its best to fulfill all requests, regardless of when or if a Notification of Intent to Submit Form is received. Please note that photocopying/mailing services (see item below) will only be available when PIs have provided the Notification of Intent to Submit Form.
Effective October 1, 1999, the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs staff and resources are available to Principal Investigators who would like the OR to take on the tasks of copying proposals, packaging them for submission, and mailing/submitting them. PIs can request this service on the Notification of Intent to Submit Form. In order to guarantee that the tasks can be completed by deadline, the OR requires that completed proposals, ready for photocopying, be available to the OR by NOON on the day submission is required. The OR can work with proposals in hard copy or electronic form. Please be aware that OR personnel have access only PCs, not Macs.
Introduction to Budgeting for Sponsored Programs Tuesday, November 9, 1:00-2:00 in 111 Old Chemistry Building
This workshop, designed for beginning proposal writers, will clarify the terminology of sponsored programs (e.g., “F&A costs”), explain institutional rates and procedures, and offer guidance in how to develop an appropriate budget for your proposed work. Diane Lindley, program development specialist, will conduct the workshop.
Congressional Initiatives Friday, November 5, 1:00-4:30 PM, location TBA
This workshop will feature a presentation by UM research faculty and congressional staffers, and will discuss the process of congressional authorization and appropriations, followed by a question and answer session with the available congressional staffers. NOTE: Please call the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (915-7482) for more information and to register.