DHS S&T SBIR Phase 1 Solicitation

This program aims to fund small businesses to conduct short R&D feasibility studies of potentially commercializable technologies related to any of the homeland security topics listed below. Could lead to Phase 2 funding for further development.

Topics of Interest to DHS S&T for this program:

  • Bulk Currency Vapor Detection in Confined Spaces
  • Software Based Roots of Trust for Enhanced Mobile Security
  • Lost Person Locator for First Responders
  • Structural Collapse Prediction Technology
  • Commodity Goods Counterfeit Detection
  • Management of Mass Casualty Triage
  • Affordable Non-Destructive Anomaly Detection for Perceived Hollow Spaces
  • Pre-Shot Sniper Detection in Urban Environments

Funding: Typically, $100K for 6-month projects

Limitations: Only small businesses may apply. University may participate as a contractor with the applicant, in which case the University may only receive up to 1/3 of the project costs (including F&A) for the subcontract. See “Subcontractors/Consultants” section on page 24 of pre-solicitation.

Key Dates (2013):

April 2:  Pre-solicitation issued
April 17:  Last day for direct (phone) questions to DHS
April 18:  Solicitation released
May 8:  Last day for e-mailed questions to DHS
May 15:  All proposal documents due to ORSP
May 22, 1PM CDT: Proposals due to DHS

For More information:

Area of Interest: