4.13 - Water Supply Interruption


Animals must have a continuous supply of potable water. The water supply to all animal facilities on campus is obtained from the City of Oxford’s chlorinated/fluorinated water supply. Water bottles are used to provide water to most species. Water bottles and sanitized containers may be used to transport water from one facility that has water to another that does not. Facility entry orders should be observed whenever possible. If the entire campus is without water, potable water should be obtained from a commercial source. For the NCNPR Vivarium, emergency drinking water may be obtained by manually tapping the Center’s deionized water storage tank. Cage changing frequency should be extended to the maximum extent practicable.

  1. Animal health checks: Animals are checked as usual, with special attention to ensure that they have adequate water supplies, especially if bottles have been allowed to remain on cages for a longer than normal period.
  2. Food and water supplies: Food supplies should be unaffected. Water bottles are used to provide water to most species. Water bottles and sanitized containers may be used to transport water from one facility that has water to another that does not. Facility entry orders should be observed whenever possible. If the entire campus is without water, potable water should be obtained from a commercial source.
  3. Sanitation: Cage changing frequency should be extended to the maximum extent practicable due to loss of cagewashing capability. Some equipment may be transported to other facilities which have water available for sanitizing.
  4. Environmental support: Toilets and sinks will not be operational. Hands may be cleaned using 70% ETOH. Personnel may be allowed to travel from one facility that does not have operable toilet facilities to another that does. Facility entry orders should be observed although showers may not be available in all facilities. If other environmental effects are encountered (e.g., temperature rise due to loss of chilled water units) consult the appropriate section(s) of this document for additional information.
  5. Personnel: Toilets and sinks will not be operational. Hands may be cleaned using 70% ETOH. Personnel may be allowed to travel from one facility that does not have operable toilet facilities to another that does. Facility entry orders should be observed although showers may not be available in all facilities.