Form Instructions and Review Procedures


Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are stand alone documents independent of protocol applications. SOPs must be submitted to and approved by the IACUC before they can be cited in a new protocol application. All SOPs are reviewed by the full IACUC at a convened meeting where a quorum of the Committee members is present. SOPs will be reviewed annually using the SOP Annual Review form.

General Instructions

Complete and sign the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) form and attach applicable materials as necessary. Send the completed form with attachments via e-mail to Fax the SOP signature sheet to 915-7577, or deliver signed copy to the IACUC office, 100 Barr Hall. (This is in addition to sending the electronic copy of the SOP).

SOPs will be reviewed annually. A report will be submitted to the IACUC Office.

SOP Number

The IACUC office staff assigns a number to the SOP when it is received. Once the SOP is approved, PIs can cite the SOP number in future protocol applications.


The IACUC Executive Committee will pre-review the SOP and may recommend modifications to the PI in advance of a full-committee review. The IACUC will have five (5) working days to complete the pre-review.

Full Committee Review

The date of the SOP Full-Committee Review (F-CR) depends on:

  1. When the signed SOP is received by the IACUC office;
  2. The date of the next IACUC meeting; and/or
  3. Whether the IACUC meeting agenda is flexible enough to add the F-CR.

The IACUC office staff will notify the author/s of the date of the Full-Committee Review. Author/s are encouraged to attend the full-committee review to answer questions.

Office Use Only

IACUC office staff assigns an SOP number, and schedules and enters the date of the full-committee review. Once the SOP is approved, IACUC staff will send the author/s an approval letter with the approval and expiration dates.

Guidance and Examples

The title should easily identify the procedure.
Example: “Cannulation of the carotid artery in a rat”; “Tail vein injections in the mouse”

Provide the name/s of the person/s involved in developing the SOP.
Example: Dr. Jim Smith, Jane Williams

Purpose and Scope:
The purpose or objective of a procedure should re-state and expand a well-written title. The scope should provide limits to the use of the procedure. Are there certain compounds that are appropriate to test by this method? Do these operations apply only to certain species or to certain equipment?
Example:“This SOP describes the method and materials used to insert an indwelling catheter into the carotid artery of a rat. It is valid only for this species.” “This SOP describes our method for determining the maximum tolerated dose of new compounds. It will apply to antibiotics and antifungals used in the rat or the mouse.”

Materials and Equipment Needed (if appropriate):
List materials and/or equipment you will be using when you conduct the procedures.
Example: Surgical supplies (anesthetics, analgesics, instruments, suture, etc.), equipment, devices, syringes; include specifics such as needle gauges, suture size/type; biosafety hood

Required or Specialized Personnel Training on Procedure:
List all required/specialized training that must be completed by personnel prior to conducting the procedure.
Example:biosafety, chemical, pathogen, radiation, species specific

Safety Concerns (if appropriate):
Explain how you will protect yourself and other personnel involved in this procedure, e.g., protective clothing, gloves, masks, etc.
Example:Radiation Safety Approval, biohazard precautions, training such as euthanasia techniques

Step-by-step Instructions on How to Conduct the Procedure:
Describe what you will do and how you will do it.
Example: 1) Weigh animal 2)Anesthetize animal 3)clip animal hair 4)scrub incision site 5)drape animal 6)etc.

Records to be Kept:
Describe what records you will maintain and for how long.
Example: Laboratory Notebook – for 5 years after publication of data, Surgery Logs, Health Logs, Stress Monitoring Sheets - for the duration of the study, Weight Logs

References, i.e. operating manuals, published techniques, other SOPs, etc:
Example: “Guidelines for the Care and Use of Mammals in Neuroscience and Behavioral Research” NRC, The National Academies Press, 2003.; Williams J., Smith, J., “Anti-inflammatory effects of Natural Compounds in Chicks” 2004.