Chapter 1 - Animal Welfare Policy for the Use of Research Animals on the Oxford Campus of the University of Mississippi


As a responsible institution of higher education involved in acquisition and dissemination of knowledge through scholarly research, and in the training of students to meet the needs of our society, we commit ourselves collectively to meeting the expectations that we conduct procedures involving animals in compliance with the spirit and intent of the Animal Welfare Act and related federal laws and regulations. We accept the responsibility to remain abreast of current knowledge of respected fields of science and when animals are used, we will conduct these studies in a way that demonstrates a respect for the dignity of life and humanity. Please visit the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs web site for the latest information and current forms required for animal research.

This manual is not intended to be comprehensive on all aspects of proper animal care and use or the responsibilities of research personnel. Its purpose is to introduce research personnel to appropriate procedures to follow when using animal in research or course instruction. Included in this manual are: (1) information on the purpose and role of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC); (2) guidelines for the utilization of animals for research, which include suggestions for reducing pain and distress; (3) The University of Mississippi Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee Protocol for Animal Use; and (4) the Occupational Health Program policy for people whose duties require significant contact with animals.

Both the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW) of the United States Public Health Service and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) require institutions that use animals assure compliance with federal regulations regarding animal facilities, administrative procedures, record keeping, and training of personnel working with animals. To assure these agencies that we are in compliance, it is imperative that we are able to document these activities. To document that personnel involved in research are aware of the guidelines governing animal research on this campus, each person listed on a protocol for animal use will be required to take and pass an open book test on this handbook and a test specific for the species of animal to be used in the protocol before IACUC approval will be given. Because laws affecting animal use in research change often, we also expect that this handbook will require frequent amendments.