1 - IACUC Office and Staff Responsibilities


The IACUC Office is the central point of contact through which all IACUC-related activities flow. All communication flows in and out of this office. The IACUC staff coordinates activities, functions and events for both the Executive Committee and the full IACUC. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Protocol Review – Receive protocols; log into database and make files; conduct a pre-review; maintain communication with PI and IACUC; send out for review; keep up with due dates; send approval letters; maintain in IACUC file cabinet
  • Protocol Maintenance – Send and process Protocol Annual Update forms; process significant and non-significant amendments; maintain communication with PI and IACUC; send amendments out for review and comment; keep up with due dates; send approval notices and/or memoranda; maintain in IACUC file cabinet
  • IACUC Meetings – Make all meeting arrangements, including: setting meeting dates; reserving meeting room; ordering lunch; establishing quorum; distributing (regular mail, when necessary, and electronic) review materials; attending meetings; taking minutes; maintaining communication with members; and maintain all related materials in IACUC file cabinet
  • Executive Committee Meetings – Make all meeting arrangements, including: preparing agenda; updating action items list; taking minutes; distributing meeting materials; pursue and complete action items; maintain communication with EC members; and maintain all related materials in IACUC file cabinet
  • Semiannual Facility Inspection – Coordinate schedule with Team members; compile Team findings; send inspection findings to PIs and respective department chair; summarize findings for inclusion in the Semiannual IO Report; maintain in IACUC file cabinet
  • Semiannual Program Review – Prepare review materials for IACUC; inform IACUC of upcoming program review; provide IACUC members Tips for Conducting a Semiannual Program Review two months prior to conducting it; add semiannual program review in the IACUC meeting agenda; respond to any comments and/or questions regarding the animal care and use program; assist members when conducting the semiannual program review; compile findings; summarize findings for inclusion in the Semiannual IO Report; maintain in IACUC file cabinet
  • Semiannual IO Report – Draft report to the IO, including semiannual facility inspection and program review summaries; route to Executive Committee for review and comment; route to IACUC for their review and comment; reconcile all comments received; print a final document; obtain member’s signatures; submit report to IO; maintain in IACUC file cabinet
  • Annual Federal Reports –
    • USDA – Submit request for password after September 15; obtain animal numbers from animal facility supervisor; go online when receive password; draft annual report; provide electronic signature of IO; submit report; save copy for records; provide copy to IACUC; maintain in IACUC file cabinet
    • OLAW – Download sample report; draft annual report, including the semiannual facility inspection and program review summaries; draft and send memo to IO including a draft letter to OLAW and the report; revise as necessary or as requested by IO; submit to IO for signature; make copy for IO and IACUC records; submit to OLAW; maintain in IACUC file cabinet
  • Other Administrative Tasks –
    • Develop, coordinate and disseminate reports
    • Research topic and special issues
    • Research and develop policy, procedures, forms, and forms instructions
    • Develop, purchase and disseminate training and educational materials
    • Prepare for training sessions: schedule; prepare materials; maintain communication with trainees and IACUC; obtain and provide feedback; write report; report to IACUC
    • Assist as team members in conducting IACUC Orientation sessions and other training as necessary
    • Develop and disseminate IACUC Bulletins, notices and alerts
    • Develop and maintain database
    • Maintain records in IACUC file cabinet

Source: Institution Animal Care and Use Committee Guidebook (2nd ed.). (2002). (Pgs. 21-22). Bethesda, MD: NIH Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare.