
Non-funding, non-event announcements.

Working with Animal Models? Review the Updated American Veterinary Medical Association Guidelines

Solicitation to Contribute to UM Health Careers Day

The University of Mississippi will host a Health Careers Event to educate current and future students about diverse health-related academic programs and occupations of importance to Mississippi's communities and economy. The event will feature a number of 60-second talks on UM and UMMC academic programs, state and regional health-related occupations, and personal perspectives of UM/UMMC graduates working in these occupations.

Seminar- Bio-Material Interface

Dr. Prashant K. Sharma, Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering, University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen,  The Netherlands, will present a lecture on the "Bio-Material Interface, Implant and Prosthesis Failure"

January 30, 2013, 4 pm

Carrier M. E., Room 220


FastLane Update- Project Reports


Attention FastLane Users: As part of the transition of project reports to, you must stop submitting project reports in FastLane starting February 1, 2013.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory- Neutron Scattering Science Call for Proposals

The ORAU University Partnerships Office is pleased to provide the information below regarding a program available to all institutions.

Proposals for beam time at Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) and Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) will be accepted via the web-based proposal system until NOON EASTERN TIMEWednesday, March 6, 2013.  This call is for experiments anticipated to run July through December 2013.

NSF- Change in annual, final and interim project reports

NSF 13-041

NSF Dear Colleague Letter - Implementing All Project Reporting in

Date: January 10, 2013

The National Science Foundation (NSF) is currently planning to implement a significant change in the way Principal Investigators (PIs) (and co-PIs) report on their NSF-funded projects. Beginning on March 18, 2013, PIs will be required to submit their annual, final and interim project reports in, NSF’s modernization of FastLane.

Visiting Faculty Program (VFP) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)

Interested in a summer appointment? Consider the Visiting Faculty Program (VFP) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)!  They are now accepting application for the 2013 Summer Program. The deadline to apply is January 10, 2013 .  Apply online at

Lunch and Learn or WebEx*, November 5 - CERE: a UM Resource for Evaluating Effectiveness of Educational Components of Grants

Speakers: Dr. Maxine Harper and Mr. Joey Rutherford

Date: Monday, November 5
Time: Noon – 1:00 PM
Place:  Butler Auditorium, in the Triplett Alumni Center, University of Mississippi, Oxford Campus
For: UM Faculty and Researchers proposing or conducting projects with educational components

About the Speakers:

Transforming Science and Engineering with Leadership Computing (recorded)

ORSP Lunch and Learn 

Speaker: Dr. Jack Wells
Date: Thursday, October 25
Time: Noon – 1:00 PM
Place:  Butler Auditorium, in the Triplett Alumni Center, University of Mississippi, Oxford Campus
For: UM Faculty, Staff, Graduate Students, Honors College Students, Provost Scholars, and STEM Living Learning Community Residents*
