What if, following a visit to a federal sponsoring agency or lab, the PI brings back to campus government-owned property?
The PI/Departmental Administrator should 1) notify the UFPA of receipt of the government-owned property; 2) mark the property to indicate the contract number, PI name, and federal ownership; and 3) add the property to the departmental list of government-owned property.
What if an item of government-owned property needs to be relocated on campus?
Items with a UM property tag: If the department has an inventory person that has asset management authorization in SAP, then that person should access the property record in SAP and change the building and room number of the item. If the department does not have an inventory person with asset management in SAP, then the PI/Departmental Administrator should send an email to Property Control indicating the new location of the item. In either case, the PI/Departmental Administrator should update the departmental inventory list of government-owned property and notify the UFPA of the new location of the item.
Items without a UM property tag: The PI/Departmental administrator should update the departmental inventory list of government-owned property and notify the UFPA of the new location of the item.
What if an item of government-owned property is determined to be missing or stolen?
Any department chairperson or designee who discovers that an item of equipment is stolen or lost should immediately complete University Form number UMPR-004, Lost or Stolen Property Affidavit,and notify the University Police Department by telephone. A police investigator will be dispatched to the department to complete a theft report and will leave a copy with the department. The department is responsible for forwarding this report along with the notarized affidavit to the internal Property Office and for notifying the UFPA of the missing/stolen item. The UFPA will notify the awarding agency.
What if the PI on an award with government-owned property transfers to another institution and wants transfer the project and associated property to the other institution?
The PI/Departmental Administrator should notify the ORSP. The ORSP will contact the sponsoring agency for a decision on whether or not the property may be transferred. If the sponsor approves the transfer, the ORSP will request the PI to complete a Transfer of Equipment Acquired with Sponsored Project Funds Request form, listing the items approved for transfer to the new institution and furnishing all the requested information, including the University Property Control number (if applicable), the source of funds, and the account number. The completed form should then be submitted to the PI’s department chair and dean for their approval of the transfer of the equipment along with a copy of the sponsor’s equipment policy, if any. The Vice Chancellor for Research and Sponsored Programs and the Director of Accounting must also approve the transfer and will verify that the proposed transfer is in compliance with sponsor and university policies. Once all signatures have been secured, the PI/Departmental Administrator should contact the UFPA to undertake the process of inspection, transfer, and confirmation of receipt of equipment. The UFPA will coordinate with Property Control to remove any UM property tags before the item leaves the campus. Finally, the PI/Departmental Administrator will update the departmental list of government-owned property; the UFPA will update the university list of government-owned property; and Property Control will update their records if the item was tagged as capital equipment.
What if the PI on an award with government-owned property retires or otherwise leaves UM employment?
The PI/Departmental Administrator should notify the ORSP (and Property Control if the items have UM property tags). The ORSP will contact the department chair and/or dean to designate a replacement PI. The ORSP will request a change of PI from the awarding agency. Upon approval from the agency, the ORSP will notify the new PI, Grant and Contract Accounting and the UFPA of the change of PI.
In those instances where the items of government-owned property are also tagged with UM property tags, and the PI/Departmental Administrator notifies Property Control that the PI is leaving the University, Property Control will schedule an Exit/Entrance Audit. The purpose of the audit is to verify existing property and obtain signed acceptance of responsibility for existing property by the new PI.