Defense Threat Reduction Agency - Ebola BAA 2014-15

Defenese Threat Reduction Agancy (DTRA)
Chemical/Biological Technologies Directorate (CBTD)
Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for FY1015-16

The primary objective of this BAA is to support the development of near-term solutions that can assist with the current Ebola outbreak, such as therapeutic and vaccine candidates; diagnostic capabilities; modeling capabilities; and data gaps. The BAA calls for proposals in the following topics:

  • Development of Therapeutics and Vaccines
  • Rapid Diagnostics;
  • Social Network and Infectious Disease Modeling (including Road Mobility, Estuary Mobility, Human Mobility, Social Networks, and Hospital Disease Transmission);
  • Ebola Characterization (including how the Ebola virus is maintained in nature; determination and understanding of quantitative infectious dose; persistence and decay or survival rates in the environment; and molecular determinants for persistence);
  • Biohazard Personal Protective Equipment; and
  • Rapid Disinfection Process

Phase I and Phase II (invited) Proposal Process

From October 24, 2014, to October 23, 2016, the BAA solicits very short Phase I proposals, which may result in invitations to submit much more involved Phase II proposals. Phase I proposals submitted to the sponsor by the last calendar date of each month will evaluated and decided on within two months of submission; invited Phase II proposals submitted by the last calendar date of each month will be evaluated and decided on within three months of submission. Please see the full text HDTRA1-15-EBOLA-BAA solicitation and appendices for the format and evaluation criteria for both Phase I and Phase II proposals:

Award Mechanisms

The government intends to award up-to-three-year fixed-priced, cost reimbursable, and cost plus fixed fee type contracts, task orders, and Other Transaction Agreements (OTA) under this solicitation, but not grants or cooperative agreements.

UM Process

University of Mississippi researchers interested in leading a Phase I proposal to, or in contributing capabilities to someone else’s proposal for, this BAA should contact their ORSP Research Advocate/Program Development Specialist.