Why do you work with the ORSP on grants and contracts?
- The regulations governing sponsored activities are varied and complex.
- The ORSP helps you be successful in these activities while complying with rules and regulations.
- Only the ORSP has the authority to commit the University to a sponsored activity.
- This policy benefits and protects you and the University.
Our work begins with YOUR IDEA — the ORSP:
- Helps you identify possible sponsors
- Helps you develop and polish your proposal
- Helps you submit your proposal on time and properly
- Provides internal funding for small projects and travel
- Keeps you informed and provides resources
When your proposal is funded, the ORSP:
- Handles the legal aspects (grant agreements, contracts, subcontracts, modifications, extensions, etc.)
- Authorizes the Accounting Office to set up your grant account
- Helps you with fiscal aspects of your award
- Works with you on grant management issues
- Helps you submit required reports on time