The PI is responsible and accountable for all government property in the custody of subcontractors or at alternate locations. The ORSP is responsible for ensuring that contractual provisions and requirements related to government property are flowed down to subcontractors. FAR 45.505 requires the prime contractor to use the records created and maintained by a subcontractor with an approved property control system for government property provided under its own prime contracts, unless the Government Property Administrator directs otherwise. The PI/Departmental Administrator will maintain the official property records while relying on the subcontractor’s records as secondary locator records.
Information on government property at subcontractor locations is reported to the PI/Departmental Administrator using the Subcontractor Equipment Inventory form or applicable agency forms such as DD Form 1662 (DoD Property in the Custody of Contractors), NASA Form 1018 (NASA Property in the Custody of Contractors), and DOE F 4300.3 (U.S. Department of Energy Semi-Annual Summary Report of DOE-Owned Plant and Capital Equipment).
The UFPA, the PI/Departmental Administrator and Property Control (for capital equipment items) all maintain records of government property that is physically located off-campus. The PI/Departmental Administrator maintains this information on a department level while the UFPA and Property Control (for capital equipment items) maintain this information on a university-wide level.
The PI/Departmental Administrator has the primary responsibility for keeping accurate records of government property at off-campus locations and for notifying the UFPA and Property Control (if applicable) of any changes to property locations.