Moore Experimental Physics Initiative 2023 Cohort

Program:         Moore Experimental Physics Initiative 2023 Cohort

Sponsor:          The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation

This grant program supports outstanding individual investigators within five years of their tenure appointments to advance cutting-edge research in experimental physics.

Each grant will provide $1,250,000 over five years with additional funds available for research equipment. This amount includes a 12.5% indirect cost allowance on eligible expenses. Grants will be made to the applicant’s university. 

Eligibility. Investigators must have earned tenure (or equivalent) at their U.S. institution (that is, at UM) and be within five years of that appointment at the time of application—that is, they must have been granted tenure at UM after November 30, 2017. Investigators must not currently have access to significant funding (conventional or flexible) to pursue the research ideas described in the proposal.

Research Areas. The primary fields being considered include atomic/molecular/optical physics, biophysics, chemical physics, condensed matter, fluid dynamics, geophysics, laser physics, materials, polymer physics, plasma physics, precision measurements, quantum information, and soft matter physics.

ORCID. All applicants must have an ORCID profile in order to complete their pre-proposal.

Two-Stage Proposal Process

Stage 1 Pre-Proposals. Pre-proposals are due to the sponsor November 30, 2022, and will include CV information, grant support, short descriptions of two contributions to the field, and a brief narrative of a proposed research direction.

Stage 2 Full Proposals. A limited number will be invited by late January 2023 to submit a more complete research proposal, answers to questions describing how the applicant is creating an inclusive research group and advancing equity in their department, budget information, and a list of reviewers (suggested and excluded with rationale). Supervisors will also be asked to submit answers to several questions about the applicant at this 2nd stage.

UM Procedures. Stage 2 full proposals, if invited, require a budget and possibly institutional authorizations, and are thus subject to all of the requirements and timeframes of the ORSP Administrative Routing Policy. Due to the short time frame between invitations and due dates for stage 2 proposals, UM investigators considering submitting a pre-proposal are urged to go ahead and submit a SPAN form.

Resources for UM Proposers:
