U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Funding Opportunity
Nuclear Faculty Development Grant, FY2012
These grants are to attract and retain in teaching careers highly qualified individuals with expertise in nuclear engineering, heath physics, radiochemistry and related disciplines.
Key Dates (2011-12):
Tuesday, Sept. 6 Notification of interest to vcrsp@olemiss.edu
Wednesday, Sept. 21 All application components & forms due to ORSP PDS
Thursday, Sept 22 Application due to grants.gov
March 1, 2012 Earliest start date
Funding: $100K plus up to an additional $50K matched per year over 3 years
Cost Sharing: Not required for the first $100K per year, but required for the additional $50K match. Cash contributions are preferred.
Limitations: UM may only submit one application; the application will be coordinated and submitted through ORSP.
Additional Information:
- Full Solicitation: http://www.grants.gov/search/search.do;jsessionid=kqxDTb5GQrFgwJL2hQpbx43pBntXW4hxWpdSqkLqwGd6HyH106WJ!336881473?oppId=107333&mode=VIEW
- More info on NRC Web: http://www.nrc.gov/about-nrc/grants.html#fd
- FAQ Link: http://www.nrc.gov/about-nrc/grants/faqs.html#fdg
- Opportunity Number: HR-FN-0711-NED02
Questions on format and application process: Mickey McLaurin, mclaurin@olemiss.edu
Questions on content (summary and project description): Jason Hale, jghale@olemiss.edu
Allowable Costs
- Salaries & fringes, equipment, travel, supplies, & consultant costs, others
NRC Review Criteria
- Capacity and ability of the institution to effectively conduct the program, including quality and feasibility of the recruitment and marketing strategies.
- Quality of faculty that will be served by the program.
- Feasibility and completeness of an evaluation plan to measure the effectiveness of the faculty development program.
- Institutional support for the program and plans for sustainability.
- The amount and type of leveraged funding that was initiated due to this solicitation.