(loss of supply or exhaust)
The primary goal is to restore adequate supply and/or exhaust as rapidly as possible. The Director or his/her designee (on-call Supervisor) contacts the Physical Plant or Zone Maintenance team of the affected facility (see Emergency Phone contacts for a list of contact numbers). After the appropriate group has been informed so that repairs can proceed, the AR Director/designee is notified and coordinates all AR activities related to the emergency/disaster. The Director/designee may delegate responsibility for handling and later reporting resolutions of minor or non-life-threatening problems. (See also 4.11 Temperature Problems.)
- Animal health checks: These should be increased, if possible to confirm that animals have adequate air supplies, with special attention to animals in specialized cages such as microisolators or ventilated racks.
- Food and water supplies: Should not be affected.
- Sanitation: Should not be affected; some cage changes may need to be deferred to avoid disseminating odors and particulate matter from cage changing, and some cleaning (e.g. floor mopping) may also be deferred to avoid humidity problems.
- Environmental support: While repairs are underway, the Director/designee evaluates the availability of and necessity for additional equipment such as fans or other measures such as opening doors. Animals may need to be moved if their lives are endangered, but every effort should be made to prevent contaminating SPF/barrier animals and the Medical Center environment.
- Personnel: Personnel should be able to work as usual, under the considerations indicated above. Loss of air supply, exhaust, or pressure differentials may require consideration of additional personal protective measures (e.g. if gas anesthetics were being vented into exhaust ducts.)