Updates in Bold
University of Mississippi faculty may apply for grants to visit other SEC universities through a program sponsored by the SECU academic initiative, and administered at UM for the Provost by the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP). The program is intended to enhance faculty collaboration that stimulates scholarly initiatives between SEC universities. It gives faculty members at UM and other SEC universities the opportunity to travel to any another SEC campus to exchange ideas, develop grant proposals, and conduct research.
- Grants may be requested for between $1000 and $2,500 dollars per applicant. UM expects to award between 4 and 8 grants through this program.
- The travel must occur between January 2, 2014 and July 31, 2014.
- Travel must be to other SEC universities. Travel to off-campus locales like research sites, centers, extension offices, etc. is permissible, provided the sites are affiliated with the host unit or university and related directly to the collaborative endeavor.
- Funds may be used only for the travel related expenses of the visiting faculty member (e.g., transportation, lodging, meals, etc.) and NOT for other individuals’ expenses or for non-travel-related expenses such as supplies. Grants are not necessarily meant to cover ALL the travel costs but rather to lessen the financial burden of travel.
- Applicants should contact a host unit (e.g., department, research center, school) that he or she wishes to visit to determine that unit’s receptivity and availability. However, the formal invitation letter should not be requested from the host until the applicant has been recommended for travel (see Important Dates).
- Eligible Activities: The visiting faculty member may consult with faculty and/or students, offer lectures or symposia, present a recital, or engage in whatever activities are agreeable to the visitor and host unit.
- UM Administration of Program: The UM URB Faculty Travel Committee will evaluate and make recommendations about which applications to advance.
- The program may not be used in conjunction with outside employment, and each UM faculty traveler will be responsible for arranging coverage of any UM duties while traveling.
- UMMC faculty members are eligible to apply for these grants.
- Format: Proposals should be one or two pages, and include a description of the activities, what the expected benefits will be (research, teaching, scholarship) to UM, the applicant’s career, and/or the larger community; the host institution and unit; and a detailed budget and justification. An optional letter of support from the faculty member's Chair or Dean may also be included, and will not count against the 1-2 page proposal limit. Proposals should be e-mailed to jghale@olemiss.edu, and should not be considered submitted until acknowledged.
- Faculty at other SEC schools wishing to travel to UM should apply through their own institution’s SEC travel grants program.
- A list of SEC institutions is available at http://www.secdigitalnetwork.com/SECSPORTS/THESEC/AcademicInitiative.aspx
Important Dates
12/2/2013: Applications due to ORSP (jghale@olemiss.edu)
12/4/2013: ORSP will notify applicants whether their respective applications have been tentatively recommended for funding, and at what amount; recommended applicants should contact the host unit to request a letter of invitation from the host unit. The letter should be CCed to both the host institution’s designated point of contact for the SEC Visiting Faculty Travel Grant Program, and UM’s designated point of contact, Dr. Charlotte Fant Pegues (cfant@olemiss.edu).
12/9/2013: Host invitation letters and finalized applications from recommended applicants due to ORSP (jghale@olemiss.edu). These applications must include a copy of the invitation latter from the host SEC institution; applicant’s biography of 250 words or less); and applicants professional head shot (color, 600 dpi resolution, jpeg format)
12/11/2013: UM will submit the packet list of UM faculty members participating in the program for the 2014-15 year to the SEC.
1/2/2014: Earliest faculty travel date.
7/31/2014: Latest faculty travel date.
8/15/2014: Each traveller’s brief visit report due to ORSP (jghale@olemiss.edu).
8/31/2014: Last day for UM to return unexpended funds to the SEC office.
9/30/2014: Last day for UM to submit 1-page summary to SEC office describing how previous year’s travel grant was used, including a description of the collaborations.
UM Points of Contact
Mr. Jason Hale
Director of Research Resources, ORSP, jghale@olemiss.edu, 662-915-3922
(for UM faculty questions about qualifications or the application process)
Dr. Charlotte Fant Pegues
Assistant Provost and Registrar, cfant@olemiss.edu, 662-915-5059
UM Travel Grant Contact for other SEC institutions
(for questions about UM hosting a faculty member from another institution)