Call for UM Pre-proposals & Reviewers
NIH Academic-Community Partnership Conference Series (R13)
Applications sought to conduct meetings, workshops, and symposia to bring together academic institutions/organizations and community organizations to identify opportunities for addressing health disparities through the use of Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR).
Meeting objectives should be to:
- establish and/or enhance academic-community partnerships
- identify community-driven research priorities, and
- develop long-term collaborative CBPR research agendas.
Areas of research focus:
- infant mortality
- Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
- fibroid tumors
- childhood, adolescent, and/or adult obesity
- health literacy
- techniques for outreach and information dissemination
- pediatric and maternal HIV/AIDS prevention; and
- violence prevention.
Key Dates (2012):
March 5: Notify of intent to develop a UM proposal or interest in reviewing internal proposals
March 6: ORSP will announce requirements for internal competition
March 10: ORSP will obtain a permission-to-submit letter from the sponsor
March 19: Internal competition proposals due to
March 26: ORSP will announce which proposal to move forward
March 27: PI can begin making improvements based on internal reviewer comments
April 3: Final proposal due to ORSP (Program Development Specialist)
April 10: Proposal due to NIH
Funding: Awards of up to $30,000 direct costs per year for up to 3 years
F&A Costs: Not allowed
Cost Sharing: Not required
Limitations: UM may submit up to 1 proposal
Future: Future funding windows have due dates of 10/17/2012 and 10/17/2013
Full Solicitation:
UM Limited Submissions Procedure: