Broad call for Scientifically Valid Research and Evidence-Based Practice projects to develop and test strategies for enhancing resilience. Think Broadly and Propose Innovative Approaches
See or
LOI and Proposal instructions:
This opportunity is being offered in collaboration with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation based on common interests in:
- fostering the development of scientifically-sound research and practices that improve people’s lives and the environments in which they live; and
- understanding the many complex factors that influence health and well-being, such as where people live, how they work, the safety of their surroundings, and the strength and resilience of families and communities.
Successful proposals will involve:
· Integrative Teams (types of institutions, sectors, frames of reference, disciplines)
· Community Involvement (those directly affected, involve communities early!)
· Actionable Information (can be used immediately by those in different sectors to guide actions, plans, strategies; clear pathways for translation, application, implementation, dissemination)
· Scientifically Valid Research (appropriate research tools, approaches, and methods; hypothesis driven; seeks to improve science AND practice, but can emphasize one or the other)
Review Criteria
· Relevance – responsiveness to RFP
· Impact –to science and practice; sustainability
· Technical or scientific merit – sound aims, activities, etc.
· Project personnel and institutional support
Key Dates:
Information Webinar 8/11/2016 10:30 – 11:30 am CT
Webinar Slides Posted Online 8/18/2016
Letter of Intent to ORSP 10/3/2015 4pm CT
Required Letter of Intent to NAS 10/5/2016 4pm CT
Proposal/Transmittal to ORSP 12/7/2016 4pm CT
Proposal to Sponsor 12/14/2016 4pm CT
Award Announcement May 2017
· UM may submit multiple applications.
· UM may submit only one application per Project Director.
· Individuals may be involved as a project director and key personnel, or as key personnel, in up to three proposals.
· New activities only
· Full indirect costs are allowed and should be included in the budget
Award Information
Anticipated Project Duration: 36 months
Estimated Number of Awards: 3-6 awards
Anticipated Total Amount for this Opportunity: $10 million
Minimum or Maximum Budget: Not Specified
Notes from Webinar Q/A
· Slides will be available on website after August 18.
· Q: Clarify Research vs. Practice?
A: Looking for projects that will further develop the science in a way that develops an evidence base that could be used to improve practice; Or, look at current practices to inform research questions. Not expected that we’ll go from basic research to practice in the three-year project period.
· Q: Format of LOI
A: The format and instructions are online. Look at this early!
· Q: Cost Sharing?
A: See the RFP. (Jason has looked and does not see where cost sharing is required or encouraged either one. UM policy is not to provide voluntary cost share.)
· Q: LOI Purpose:
A: To run ideas by the sponsor for some initial feedback. We will receive an Encourage/Discourage notification within three weeks of the LOI due date, based on RELEVANCE only. All who submit a letter will be allowed to propose; however, if we are on an obvious wrong track, they will let us know after the LOI, so that we can change our approach or back out. The LOI is required, but not binding.