Awards - January and February 2000
The list below includes all awards processed and reported to the Board of the Institutions of Higher Learning during the months of January and February 2000. The Office of Research congratulates all recipients. Thank you for your hard work.
January 2000 Awards
- Mark Hamann, Pharmacognosy
- World Health Organization for “Lead Optimization Studies of the Antimalarial Marine Natural Product Manzamine,” $38,500.
- Charles Hussey, Chemistry
- Air Force Office of Scientific Research for “Electrodeposition of Transition Metal-Aluminum from Chloroaluminate,” $80,000.
- James Vaughan, Mechanical Engineering
Ellen Lackey, Mechanical Engineering - Office of Naval Research/Mississippi State University for “Outfitting Design, Analysis and Testing (Phase 1, Part 2),” $60,000.
- Ellen Lackey, Mechanical Engineering
James Vaughan, Mechanical Engineering - Office of Naval Research/Mississippi State University 00 for “Secondary Bonding (Phase 1, Part 2),” $50,000.
- Maurice Eftink and Donald Cole, Graduate School
- National Science Foundation for “Alliance for Graduate Education in Mississippi,” $500,000.
- Ben McClelland, English
- Mississippi Department of Education/Mississippi Writing/Thinking Institute for “The University of Mississippi Writing Project,” $22,000.
- Kathleen L. Sukanek, National Food Service Management Institute
- Oregon Department of Education for “Oregon Nutrition Professionals and Teleconference Advertisement,” $100,000.
- P. Raju Mantena, Mechanical Engineering
- Avia Sport Composites for “Characterizing Glass Transition (TG) Temperature of Composite Rods,” $500.
- Thomas Marshall, Physics and Astronomy
- University of Oklahoma for “Machining Balloon Parts,” $10,276.
- Phillip David Rogers, Clinical Pharmacy Practice
John Cleary, Clinical Pharmacy Practice - Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists for “In Vivo Gene Expression in Human Monocytes Involved in Toxicity and Activity of Antifungal Agents,” $11,649.
- Dale Nagle, Pharmacognosy
- American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy for “Isolation and Identification of Immunostimulatory Compounds from Marine Algae,” $9,450.
- Larry Ridgeway, Financial Aid
- U. S. Department of Education for “SEOG 99-00,” $2,624.
- Larry Ridgeway, Financial Aid
- U. S. Department of Education for “PELL 99-00,” $1,829,178.
- Ann Abadie, Center for the Study of Southern Culture
- Yoknapatawpha Arts Council for “2000 Oxford Conference for the Book,” $1,000.
- Joseph Byrd, Clinical Pharmacy Practice
- National Institutes of Health/University of Mississippi Medical Center for “Mississippi HIV Rural Area Network Project,” $20,625.
- Bob Lantrip, Mississippi Small Business Development Center
- Mississippi Department of Economic and Community Development for “Mississippi Small Business Development Center,” $1,000.
- K. P. George, Civil Engineering
- Mississippi Department of Transportation for “Soil Stabilization Field Trial,” $97,276.
- Max Williams, Center for Population Studies
- Mississippi Department of Economic and Community Development for “Center for Population Studies Equipment Support,” $40,000.
- Thomas Marshall, Physics and Astronomy
- National Science Foundation for “Supplement to the Electrical Evolution of Thunderstorms,”$28,664.
- Henry Bass, National Center for Physical Acoustics
- Office of Naval Research for “Physical Acoustics Research Initiative (Year 3),” $1,000,000.
February 2000 AWARDS
- Kenneth Sufka, Psychology
- Next Pharmaceuticals, Inc. for “Screening for Anxiolytic Properties of Novel Drug Candidates (Supplement),” $2,175.
- Stephen Brewer, Biology
- Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium for “Effects of Eutrophication on Marsh Plant Community Structure in Four Sea Grant States (Year 2),” $9,036.
- Susan Glisson, Center for the Study of Southern Culture
- Mississippi Humanities Council for “Statewide Summit on Race,” $2,000.
- John Duff, Mississippi Law Research Institute
Kristen Fletcher, Mississippi Law Research Institute - Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium for “Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Legal Program-Program Development Project,” $13,271.
- Henry Bass, National Center for Physical Acoustics
- Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization for “UN Agreement,” $810,000.
- Joseph Byrd, Clinical Pharmacy Practice
- SmithKline Beecham for “ASHP Midyear Meeting,” $4,000.
- Charles Wilson, Center for the Study of Southern Culture
- National Endowment for the Humanities for “Regional Humanities Centers Planning Grant,” $50,000.
- Christy Foran, Research Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences/Environmental and Community Health Research
- U. S. Environmental Protection Agency for “Use of a Transgenerational Model to Evaluate Threshold Effects of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in Fish (Year 2),” $149,457.
- Allan Falconer, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration for “Mississippi Space Commerce Initiative,” $1,439,522.
- Kenneth Sufka, Psychology
- Next Pharmaceuticals, Inc. for “Anxiolytic Screening of Botanical Extracts,” $1,088.
- Mickey Smith and E. M. Kolassa, Pharmacy Administration
- Glaxo-Wellcome for “Studies in Pharmaceutical Policy,” $45,000.
- Henry Bass, National Center for Physical Acoustics
- U. S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command for “Acoustic Sensor Technology Exploitation (ASTEC) (Amendment No. 4),” $337,500.
- Dale Nagle, Pharmacognosy
- U. S. Department of Agriculture/Southern Regional Aquaculture Center for “Control of Blue-Green Algae in Aquaculture Ponds (Year 2),” $20,000.
- John O’Haver, Chemical Engineering; Dale Bowman, Mathematics; and David Rock, Curriculum and Instruction
- National Science Foundation for “Development of an Interactive Tutorial on Statistical Design and Analysis of Experiments,” $74,778.
- Iklas Khan, Research Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences/National Center for Natural Products Research
Muhammed Ilias, Research Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences/National Center for Natural Products Research - ChromaDex, Inc. for “Isolation of Reference Compounds and Their Isolation Procedures,” $525,000.
- Jo Ann O’Quin, Educational Psychology, and Susan Eftink, Social Work
- Heart and Hand, Inc. for “Aging and End-of-Life Studies Program,” $3,000.
- Charles Hufford, National Center for Natural Products Research
- King Saud University for “NMR Spectral Data for King Saud University,” $10,000.
- E. M. Kolassa, Pharmacy Administration
Mickey Smith, Pharmacy Administration - Merck and Company, Inc. for “Studies in Pharmaceutical Public Policy,” $20,000.
- James Reidy, Physics and Astronomy
- Tata Institute of Fundamental Research for “FermiLab-Type Fiber Splicer,” $13,700.
- John Seiner, National Center for Physical Acoustics
- U. S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command for “Directed Research, Analysis, and Software Development for Aeroacoustically-Induced Vibration in Endoatmospheric Interceptors (Amendment No. 2),” $199,000.
- Donald Kartiganer, English
- Oxford Tourism Council for “2000 Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha Conference,” $11,000.
- Henry Bass, National Center for Physical Acoustics
- U. S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command for “Acoustic Sensor Technology Exploitation (ASTEC) (Modification No. 5),” $1,318,080.
- Jean M. Shaw, Jim Sullivan, and Debby Chessin, Curriculum and Instruction
- U. S. Department of Education/Mississippi State University for “Preparing Teachers to Deliver Technology-Rich, Problem-Based Learning Experiences,” $108,000.
- Daniel Schlenk, Research Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences/Environmental and Community Health Research
- Lundy-Davis, L.L.P. for “Fipronil Toxicity Testing in the Crawfish (Procambrius clarki),” $46,922.
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