The UM Transmittal Sheet has been revised to reflect more concisely the current UM procedures and policies for applying for external funding. UM policy requires completion of the Transmittal Sheet before proposals for funding can be submitted to external agencies. The revised form still requires signatures from chairs/directors of units whose agreement to or knowledge of the proposal must be documented, but blocks for those signatures have been re-arranged to call more attention to the “Authorizing Signatures” and the PI’s Conflict of Interest statement. In addition, a section has been added to assist the OR in monitoring sources for funding graduate stipends, and the “Special Considerations” section (e.g., “summer courses” has been removed). The Transmittal Sheet is available on-line at or in hard copy from the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (915-7482; 125 Old Chemistry Building). Copies of this new version have also been sent to department chairs.
This hands-on workshop will assist faculty and staff in becoming more comfortable with FastLane. Participants must be FastLane-registered; please contact
Will Wilkins, Law Center, will discuss a range of IP issues relevant to the university setting, ranging from copying printed materials for class to managing inventions emerging from research.
Registration is required for the FastLane workshop; registration is requested for all other workshops. Please call 915-7482 or e-mail to let us know to expect you.
Mitchell Diggs, Science Editor in the UM Office of Public Relations, has been asked to contribute regularly to Research Highlights. Diggs will be writing the Faculty Focus features for each issue; in fact, he started with the August Highlights. The OR is looking forward to his involvement with the newsletter. If you have suggestions for topics or faculty you’d like to see covered in Faculty Focus, please contact Diggs at or Debra Young, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, at
Principal Investigators are reminded that release of information about a pending award prior to the award’s final acceptance by the University may endanger receipt of the award and/or create other obstacles to the conduct of research at UM. The official UM policy directs faculty, staff, and students to work through the Office of Public Relations for the release of news: “In order to ensure that all university messages are presented accurately and consistently, the Public Relations/Marketing office is responsible for conducting and/or approving all contact with media. This includes, but is not limited to, the writing and distribution of press releases, formal and informal efforts to place stories, and the release of official statements or information to the general public through the mass media.”
The OR is very pleased to announce the publication of the first UM Quest, a magazine highlighting some of the research efforts underway at UM and the UM Medical Center. Copies have been sent to faculty, deans, chairs, and center directors; please call the OR (915-7482) if you have not yet received a copy. UM Quest is planned for annual issue, and we look forward to covering other researchers and other research in future issues. Thanks to the departments of Public Relations and University Publications for their skillful and innovative work on this project.
Proposals for the next round of Congressional Initiatives are due in the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs by November 10. Proposed initiatives should outline multidisciplinary projects that would not ordinarily fit agency program announcements. Submissions should also identify an agency point of contact. Please contact Dr. Ronald F. Borne, Interim Vice Chancellor for Research (915-7482), for further information on Congressional Initiatives.