Awards - May and June 2000
The list below includes all awards processed and reported to the Board of the Institutions of Higher Learning during the months of May and June 2000. The Office of Research congratulates all recipients. Thank you for your hard work.
- Raju Mantena, Mechanical Engineering
- DOW Automotive for "High-Strain Rate and Dynamic Mechanical Analysis of 24 PCF Static-Mix BETAFOAM," $20,000.
- Dwight Frink, Business Administration and Management
Gerald R. Ferris, Business Administration and Management - Office of Naval Research for "Personal and Structural Influences on Job Performance in Dynamic Environments: An Investigation of Social Skill/Intelligence and Social Contingencies," $49,202.
- William Gardner, Business Administration and Management
Brian Reithel, Business Administration and Management - Office of Naval Research for "The Effects of Organizational Culture, Realistic Recruitment, Personality, and Person-Organization Fit on Organizational Attraction," $54,930.
- Mark Van Boening, Business Administration and Management
- Office of Naval Research for "Dual Computer Monitor Configuration for the Mississippi Experimental Research Laboratory," $96,922.
- Sumali J. Conlon, Business Administration and Management
- Office of Naval Research for "Improving Internet/Internet Search Using Linguistic Analysis," $30,000.
- John M. Seiner, National Center for Physical Acoustics
- U. S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command for "Directed Research, Analysis, and Software Development for Aeroacoustically-Induced Vibration in Endoatmospheric Interceptors," $1,016,886.
- James Sabatier, Physics
- Institute of Higher Learning/Mississippi Valley State University for "Delta Area Physics, Physical Science, and Applied Mathematics Project," $171,470.
- S. N. Prasad, Civil Engineering
- U. S. Department of Agriculture/Agricultural Research Service for "Predicting Infiltration and Incipient Ponding into Swelling and Cracking Soils (Amendment No. 4)," $10,152.
- Ken Sufka, Psychology
- Next Pharmaceuticals for "Screening Analgesic Properties of Novel Botanical Extracts," $2,874.
- James Sabatier, Physics
- Institute of Higher Learning/Mississippi Valley State University for "Dwight D. Eisenhower Professional Development Program: Delta Area Physics, Physical Sciences and Applied Mathematics Project," $8,475.
- Brian Barkdoll, Civil Engineering
- U. S. Department of Agriculture for "Geotechnical Evaluation of Cohesive Materials and Their Interactions with Riparian Zones (Amendment No. 4)," $7,227.
- Charles Alexander, Mathematics
- National Science Foundation for "Delta Rural Systemic Initiative," $2,616,666.
- Henry Bass, National Center for Physical Acoustics
- U. S. Department of Agriculture for "Acoustic Principles and Techniques in Soil Sedimentation Research," $459,853.
- Sam S. Y. Wang, National Center for Computational Hydroscience and Engineering
- Engineering Development and Research Center/U. S. Army Corps of Engineers for "Research on the State of the Technology of Numerical Modeling in Riverine Hydraulic Structure Design Applications," $40,000.
- Gary Kochenberger, Business, Administration and Management
- Office of Naval Research for "Modeling and Solution Procedure for Diversity Maximization," $15,000.
- Karen Glynn, Center for the Study of Southern Culture
- National Film Preservation Foundation for "Lytle Collection Preservation," $10,000.
- Greg Easson, Geology
- National Aeronautic and Space Administration for "The University of Mississippi Geoinformatics Center," $1,826,459.
- Mitchell Avery, Medicinal Chemistry
- National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases for "Development of Novel Antifungal Anti-PC Natural Products (Year 2)," $279,225.
- S. N. Prasad, Civil Engineering
- U. S. Department of Agriculture for "Transport of Sediment by Wave Power in Shallow Flow (Amendment No. 5)," $19,500.
- Brian Reithel, Business Administration
- Mississippi Association of Planning and Development Districts for "Mississippi Network Opportunities Study," $14,500.
- S. N. Prasad, Civil Engineering
- U. S. Department of Agriculture/Agricultural Research Service for "Predicting Infiltration and Incipient Ponding into Swelling and Cracking Soils (Amendment No. 4)," $20,800.
- Donald Cole, Graduate School
- U. S. Department of Education for "U.S. Department of Education, Ronald McNair Post-Baccalaureate Program," $1,000.
- Walter D. Gurley, Jr., Mississippi Small Business Development Center
- U. S. Small Business Administration for "Mississippi Small Business Development Center," $6,786.
- Marilyn Mendolia, Psychology
- National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Mental Health for "Personality and Social Context in Repression of Emotion," $62,815.
- Scotty Hargrove, Psychology
- North Mississippi Medical Center for "Clinical Program Agreement between North Mississippi Medical Center, Behavioral Health Center and The University of Mississippi, Department of Psychology," $24,000.
- Scotty Hargrove, Psychology
- North Mississippi Medical Center for "Clinical Psychology Agreement between North Mississippi Medical Center and The University of Mississippi, Department of Psychology," $24,732.
- Marjorie Holland, Biology
- U. S. Department of Agriculture for "Water Quality in Northern Mississippi Hill Land Streams in the DEC Project (Amendment No. 7)," $50,000.
- Marc Slattery, Pharmacognosy
- Elsa U. Pardee Foundation for "Marine Compounds as p-53 Independent Inducers of Apoptosis," $29,124.
- Kristen Fletcher, Law
- Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant for "Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Legal Program," $110,495.
- C. Ray Fulton, Educational Leadership
- Mississippi Arts Commission for "Attendance in the World Association of Symphonic Bands and Ensembles," $1,172.
- Mick Kolassa, Pharmacy Administration
- SmithKline Beecham for "Development of Training Materials and Methods in Pharmaceutical Pricing," $5,000.
- Mark Hamann, Pharmacognosy
- Sequoia Sciences for "The Isolation and Structural Characterization of Natural Product Research Chemicals," $54,450.
- Richard Major, Geology
- U. S. Department of Energy/University of Alabama for "Improved Oil Recovery from Upper Jurassic Smackover Carbonates," $40,165.
- Michael Johansson, International Programs
- American Councils for International Education for "ACTR/ACCELS Students from the New Independent States," $36,252.
- Bonnie Krause, University Museums
- Durham Foundation for "World War II Memories," $9,791.
- Lidija Halda-Alija, Biology
- Mississippi State University/U. S. Department of Agriculture for "The Capacity of Native Vegetation and Associated Microflora to Improve the Quality of Agricultural Run Off," $5,700.
- Ben McClelland, English
- National Writing Project for "The University of Mississippi Writing Project (Amendment 9)," $25,000.
- Jordan Zjawiony, Pharmacognosy
- Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium for "Semisynthetic and Microbial Transformations of Marine Natural Products for Technology Development in Human Health and Agriculture," $75,753.
- Carrick Talmadge, National Center for Physical Acoustics
- National Institutes of Health/National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders for "Modeling of the Auditory Periphery," $112,839.
- Marjorie Holland, Field Station
- National Science Foundation for "Conference Support: Sustainability of Wetlands and Water Resources: How Well Can Riverine Wetlands Continue to Support Society into the 21st Century?" $14,999.
- Waheed Uddin, Civil Engineering
- U. S. Department of Transportation/Mississippi State University for "Applications of Remote Sensing and Related Spatial Technologies to Environmental Assessments in Transportation," $89,625.
- Keith Womer, School of Business
- Office of Naval Research for "Military Personnel Research Science," $1,933,000.
- Jim Gilbert, Exercise Science and Leisure Management
- NCAA-U. S. Department of Health and Human Services for "2000 National Youth Sports Program," $60,900.
- Jane Logan, National Food Service Management Institute
- Virginia Department of Education for "Improving Productivity-Supplement to Summer Manager’s Workshop Materials Contract," $4,489.
- David Rogers, Clinical Pharmacy Practice
- The American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy for "Azole Antifungal Resistance in a Histoplasma Capuslatum," $10,000.
- John Williamson, Medicinal Chemistry/National Products Research
- Schering-Plough HealthCare Pharmaceuticals for "Support of Biomedical Research Internship Program," $8,162.
- Alice Clark, National Center for Natural Products Research
- National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases for "New Drugs for Opportunistic Infectious Diseases (Year 11)," $216,000.
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