Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
University of Mississippi
662.915.7482 voice
662.915.7577 fax
Quotation Corner ~
The best way to predict the future is to invent it.
FOCUS: New NIH Public Access Policy
As a result of legislation passed by the federal government in the Fiscal Year 2008 consolidated appropriations bill, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) recently issued a new Public Access Policy for peer-reviewed publications. NIH has made compliance with the new policy mandatory for the university and for authors of NIH funded peer-reviewed journal articles. This policy applies to NIH funded peer-reviewed journal articles that are based on work that meets one or more of the following criteria:
- Work that is directly funded in any part by an NIH grant or cooperative agreement active in federal Fiscal Year 2008 ( October 1, 2007-September 30, 2008) or beyond; or
- Work that is directly funded in any part by an NIH contract signed on or after April 7, 2008 ; or
- Work that is directly funded in any part by the NIH Intramural Program; or
- If the NIH pays any portion of your salary.
This policy does not apply to non-peer-reviewed submissions such as correspondence, book chapters and editorials. More information can be found at
Speaking of COS
Taking Time Off? Turn Off Your Funding Alert Emails and Use Your Archives
It's the time of year when everyone is thinking about their summer activities, and you might be off campus for a few days. If you won't be checking email for a while, remember that you can access several weeks’ worth of archived COS Funding Alert results from your COS Workbench. You can also change your Alert settings so that you don't receive the weekly emails, if you would rather keep your email volume low. Remember to turn it back on when you return and have caught up with your archives!
Don't Know About COS?
Check out our COS page, the January 2005, September 2006, and March 2007 newsletter articles, and/or the COS home page. COS is for all UM faculty in all academic disciplines and research areas.
Some Upcoming Events
9th Annual ORAU/ORNL Graduate Student Fair ~ August 6 at Oak Ridge TN
Over 150 undergraduate students from across the country will present posters of their research at ORNL during an all-day session on Wednesday, August 6, 2008. Later that day ORAU will sponsor a reception and recruitment fair at the Pollard Technology Conference Center in Oak Ridge. Faculty can attend to represent our institution at this opportunity to attract some of these top-flight students to Ole Miss. Please notify ORAU ( as soon as possible, but no later than July 18, if you will attend and desire to have table space for recruiting purposes (limit one table per institution).
Gulf of Mexico Extension, Outreach and Education Workshop August 12-13 in Mobile
NOAA extension, outreach and education (EOE) leaders from across the Gulf of Mexico are invited to participate in this inreach program to improve constituent engagement. Workshop topics will include • NOAA’s Science Advisory Board’s EOE recommendations • participation in NOAA’s Engagement Test • how to use Joint Fact Finding to improve engagement • best practices on the integration of research, extension, outreach and education • best practices on Gulf of Mexico EOE. This EOE workshop is sponsored by NOAA’s Gulf of Mexico Regional Team. For more information, contact LaDon Swann, director of the Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium, at or (228) 818-8842.
MSU Biofuels Conference August 14-15 in Starkville
Located at McCool Hall on the campus of Mississippi State University, this conference is presented by MSU's Department of Chemical Engineering, Industrial Outreach Service, and the Sustainable Energy Research Center. Highlights include: • presentations by experts on feedstocks, processes and applications • lignocellulose, algae, biooil, biodiesel, renewable diesel, ethanol, and syngas • representatives from General Atomics, Department of Energy, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Mississippi Technology Alliance, and 25 x 25 • current research at MSU and other universities.
MSU Bio-Inspired Design Conference August 20-22 in Starkville
The Bio-Inspired Design — Enabling Technologies in the Life and Materials Sciences Conference is offered: (1) to respond to a growing interdisciplinary effort focused toward the advancement of technology beyond current capabilities; and (2) to bridge life and materials sciences through bio-inspired designs. Conference planners seek generate campus, regional, and national initiatives in this important area and to facilitate conversation and idea exchange between life scientists and engineers from diverse areas. For more information including registration, visit
Coastal Research Symposium October 28-29 in Biloxi
The Mississippi-Alabama Bays and Bayous Symposium will be held October 28-29 at the Mississippi Coast Coliseum and Convention Center in Biloxi, Mississippi. The symposium will provide a forum for the exchange of technical, yet practical, information among scientists, resource managers, elected officials, community leaders, marine industries, community-based organizations and individuals. This year, presentations at the symposium will focus on living marine resources, natural hazards resiliency and the ocean’s role in climate, community action and coastal stewardship, water quality and nutrient input, habitat management and restoration, and extension, outreach and education. People interested in presenting research, field experience or other information at the symposium should submit abstracts describing the content of their presentations to Bays and Bayous organizers. Abstracts for oral or poster presentations must be received by Aug. 1. For more information, including guidelines for submitting abstracts, go to
A Few Program Announcements and Deadlines
Mississippi Humanities Council Cancels September 1 Minigrant Round
Due to severe funding limitations, the Mississippi Humanities Council will not offer a September 1, 2008 minigrant round. The next minigrant deadline is November 1, 2008. Oral history proposals WILL be accepted.
SSRC Abe Fellowship Program ~ Deadline September 1
The Social Science Research Council's Abe Fellowship is designed to encourage international multidisciplinary research on topics of pressing global concern. The program seeks to foster the development of a new generation of researchers who are interested in policy-relevant topics of long-range importance and who are willing to become key members of a bilateral and global research network built around such topics. It strives especially to promote a new level of intellectual cooperation between the Japanese and American academic and professional communities committed to and trained for advancing global understanding and problem solving. Applicants are invited to submit proposals for research in the social sciences or the humanities relevant to any one or any combination of the following three themes: (1) traditional and non-traditional approaches to security and diplomacy; (2) global and regional economic issues; (3) the role of civil society.
Sponsor Website:
COS Record:
ORAU/ORNL High-Performance Computing Grant Program ~ Deadline September 19
Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s (ORNL) commitment to providing the world’s most powerful open resource for scientific computing has resulted in an impressive computational capability. Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) has partnered with the laboratory to provide opportunities for meaningful faculty and student engagement with ORNL’s leadership computing capabilities through the ORAU/ORNL High Performance Computing Grant Program. The grant totals $75,000 ($25,000 per year for up to three years) and two grants will be awarded per year. This program not only provides a monetary award, but more importantly, provides valuable access to ORNL’s computing resources and staff. The goal is to expand the existing research initiatives of university faculty from ORAU member institutions or to create new research areas. Proposals for cross-cutting research projects from faculty are welcomed. Opportunities exist for both faculty and students. For more information, go to
NSF Materials Processing and Manufacturing ~ Deadline October 1
The MPM program supports fundamental research on the interrelationship of materials processing, structure, performance and process control. Analytical, experimental, and numerical studies are supported covering processing methods such as molding, forging, casting, welding, hydroforming, composite layup, and other materials processing approaches. Emphasis is placed on environmentally benign manufacturing and virtual manufacturing. Research leading to the development of novel processes and novel hybrid processing techniques to achieve net shape products and complex multi-scale, multifunctional products with superior quality and performance is also supported.
Sponsor Website:
COS Record:
ACLS Digital Innovation Fellowships ~ Deadline October 2
The American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) Digital Innovation Fellowships program supports digitally based research projects in all disciplines of the humanities and humanities-related social sciences. The aim is to help advance digital humanistic scholarship by broadening understanding of its nature and exemplifying the robust infrastructure necessary for creating further such works. Projects may involve development of new digital tools that further humanistic research (such as digital research archives or innovative databases), research that depends on or is greatly enhanced by the use of such tools, the representation of research that depends on or is greatly enhanced by the use of such tools, or some combination of these features.
Sponsor Website:
COS Record:
Army Research Office Broad Agency Announcement for Basic and Applied Scientific Research ~ through September 2011
This funding opportunity supports research in mechanical sciences, environmental sciences, mathematical and computer sciences, electronics, computational and information sciences, physics, chemistry, life sciences, and materials science. Awards having a project period of up to three years may be made. Proposals may be submitted at any time until Sept. 30, 2011. For more information, visit
Sponsor Website:
COS Record:
Find MORE on the ORSP Funding Opportunities Recent Announcements page
SEARCH using COS Funding Opportunities
Bits & Pieces
New Campus Rates for Proposal Budgets
- GRADUATE TUITION: The new rate for graduate student tuition on sponsored project proposals is $2,552 per full-time (9 hours) student per semester.
- FRINGE BENEFITS: The new rate for faculty/staff fringe benefits on sponsored project proposals is 29.18% of project salary (effective July 1, 2008).
These rates are posted on the Institutional Information for Proposal Preparation page (also known as Current Rates and Codes) in the Toolbox section of the ORSP website.
Best Begins Chamber of Commerce Duties
Allyson M. Best, ORSP Assistant Director of Technology Management, has assumed her duties as Chairman of the Oxford-Lafayette County Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. Alice Clark, Vice Chancellor for Research and Sponsored Programs, and Walt Chambliss, ORSP Director of Technology Management, congratulate Ms. Best on her accomplishment and are pleased about this recognition from the business community.
Welcome New ORSP Staff Member ~ Technology Management Division
Jennifer Harjes has recently joined the ORSP Division of Technology Management as the Manager of Project Resources. Jennifer is an attorney and has served as a Sr. Financial Analyst for Entergy Corporation. She will be responsible for managing the fiscal and operational aspects of the Division. Jennifer can be reached at 915-1640 or Please join us in welcoming Jennifer to the University of Mississippi.
Proposal Activity ~ UM faculty and staff submitted 50 external funding proposals during June 2008. For a complete listing, see the June 2008 Report page.
Award Activity ~ UM faculty and staff received 60 external funding awards during June 2008. For a complete listing, see the June 2008 Report page.
Faculty Travel Support
In June a total of $1,500 was awarded by the ORSP to help support research-related travel. Examples of research purposes for which faculty have recently received support include:
- Attend short course/workshop to learn new methods for research analysis
- Conduct field research and explore development of field course
- Gather research data for current projects through interviews and consultations while at conference
- Attend continuing education course, meet with program officers and with collaborators while at conference
- Conduct manuscript research in archival library
- Consult documents in a private library collection
The Faculty Travel Support guidelines, application, and FAQ are found on the ORSP Internal Support page: .
For complete information about the ORSP — mission, structure, services, responsibilities, and more — visit the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs page
Congratulations from the VCRSP
The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs oversees funding for research, service, and education projects. These activities complement the fundamental aspects of The University of Mississippi’s mission and are among its most tangible contributions to the future. Funding for these activities is one of the best measures of a university’s success in engaging with national and international communities.
All of us who have sought funding to test our ideas know that it is difficult and that the communities to which we belong are highly competitive. That spirit of competition is critical and it contributes more than a little to the relief and excitement a researcher feels on receiving a funding award.
Listed below are our colleagues who have been notified of external funding awards in the last calendar month. Please join me in congratulating them. The news of their discoveries and the importance of their contributions are part of all of our futures and the future of Ole Miss.
Alice M. Clark, Ph.D.
Vice Chancellor for Research and Sponsored Programs
PI Name |
PI Department/Unit |
Co-PI Name/s |
Angle, T. |
Division of Outreach and Continuing Education |
Love, F. |
Brewer, J. |
Biology |
Burnham, T. |
Office of the Dean of Education |
Burnham, T. |
School of Education |
Webb, W. |
Chambers, J. (2 awards) |
National Center for Physical Acoustics |
Clark, A. |
Office of Research and Sponsored Programs |
Tschumper, G.
Davis, S.
Ritchie, J.
Wadkins, R.
Doerksen, R.
Sukanek, P.
Wells, A. |
Cremaldi, L. |
Physics and Astronomy |
Summers, D.
Kroeger, R.
Quinn, B. |
Cremaldi, L. |
Physics and Astronomy |
Cutler, S. |
Medicinal Chemistry |
Davidson, G. |
Geology and Geological Engineering |
Davis, C. |
Mississippi Judicial College |
Day, E. |
Biology |
Denley, T. |
Mathematics |
Dyer, D. |
Modern Languages |
Easson, G. |
University of Mississippi Geoinformatics Center |
ElSohly, M. |
National Center for Natural Products Research |
Khan, I. |
Gilbert, K. (3 awards) |
National Center for Physical Acoustics |
Gilbert, K. |
National Center for Physical Acoustics |
Davis, S.
Di, X. |
Gladden, J. |
Physics and Astronomy |
Gross, A. (12 awards) |
Psychology |
Guo, G. |
Political Science |
Haley, B. |
Sociology and Anthropology |
Hamann, M. |
Pharmacognosy |
Holland, M. |
Biology |
Highsmith, R. |
Jekabsons, M. |
Biology |
Johnson, J. (2 awards) |
Sociology and Anthropology |
Johnson, J. |
Sociology and Anthropology |
Haley, B. |
Jones, B. |
Biology |
Lawhead, P. |
Computer and Information Sciences |
Lombardo, T. |
Psychology |
Bentley, J.
Bentley, S. |
Oakley, C. |
National Food Service Management Institute |
Ownby, T. |
Center for the Study of Southern Culture |
Prasad, S. |
Civil Engineering |
Repka, M. (2 awards) |
Pharmaceutics |
Majumdar, S. |
Rutherford, D. |
Public Policy Research Center |
Seiner, J. |
National Center for Physical Acoustics |
Shelton-Richey, E. |
Division of Outreach and Continuing Education |
Slattery, M. |
Pharmacognosy |
Gochfeld, D. |
Speth, R. |
Pharmacology |
Vaughan, J. (2 awards) |
Mechanical Engineering |
Lackey, E. |
Ward, J. |
History |
Weber, E. |
Public Policy Research Center |
Williamson, J. |
Medicinal Chemistry |
June 2008 Report: A list of awards received and proposals submitted by The University of Mississippi in the previous month.
June Proposals Submitted: 50 from 33 Principal Investigators
June Awards Received: 60 totaling $7,141,841
FY08 Year-to-Date Number of Active Sponsored Projects: 563
FY08 Year-to-Date Number of Active Investigators: 234