Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
University of Mississippi
662.915.7482 voice
662.915.7577 fax
Quotation Corner ~
The major problems in the world are the result of the difference between how nature works and how people think.
Creating and Fostering a Culture of Responsible Research Conduct
by Tom Lombardo, Ph.D.
Director, ORSP Division of Research Integrity and Compliance
The Research Integrity and Compliance’s division mission is to ensure regulatory compliance in a manner that facilitates the research mission of The University. The Division also aims to foster a culture of responsible conduct of research by making all involved with research and future researchers aware of ethical research practices and the consequences of failure to adhere to those practices.
Integrity in Research and Creative Activities
Most often termed Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR), research integrity encompasses several elements that cut across all academic disciplines: mentoring, conflict of interest, research misconduct, data management, collaborations, peer review, animal and human subjects, and authorship. Research integrity failures such as plagiarism, disclosing confidential information obtained in peer reviews of manuscripts or grants, and authorship and collaboration disputes arising from poor initial communications threaten and/or diminish the value of research. If you supervise graduate students, publish scholarly work, or conduct peer reviews, you must educate yourself and your students in all the facets of RCR in order to avoid putting yourself and your students at risk of ethical violations and even sanctions.
How We Can Promote a Culture of Responsible Conduct of Research at UM
Academics know that the best way to become conversant with a subject area is to teach it. Nick Steneck’s brief, hallmark RCR book, Introduction to the Responsible Conduct of Research, now online at , is an invaluable resource for elevating RCR awareness for both faculty and students. I urge all instructors and mentors of students to incorporate at least some parts of Steneck’s text in their classes and supervision. Again, irresponsible conduct occurs most often from a lack of understanding of proper behavior and practice. For example, few students (and not all faculty) can identify the boundaries between appropriate use and plagiarism. All should be made aware of research misconduct (falsification, fabrication, and plagiarism), because of the extremely serious, and sometimes career-ending, consequences. Additionally, the failure to report research misconduct is itself considered research misconduct under UM policy.
One Prof’s Approach to Guiding Students
Every new graduate student on my research team reads and discusses Steneck’s book. I make each student aware of the culture of data sharing, collaboration, and cooperation within my lab: students are expected to assist each other’s projects with no expectation of authorship (unless several conditions are met), and data collected for large projects are shared for use in individual smaller projects. I tell new students that I follow the authorship guidelines of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors: (1) substantial contribution to conception and design or data analysis and interpretation; (2) substantial contribution to writing or editing the manuscript; and (3) approval of the final manuscript are all required for authorship. I’ve seen authorship disputes destroy successful collaborations. During the process of preparing a manuscript, I encourage everyone to weigh in on authorship, noting that I will be the final judge under the guidelines. This is not only an educational experience; it also engenders respect for all in the lab. Graduate students assist manuscript reviews for journals (with the editor’s permission), which provides an occasion for teaching the importance of confidentiality in the peer review process. We rely heavily on our syllabi to prevent and solve course disputes; employing something comparable to a syllabus (not necessarily written) should guard against research disputes.
There is no single way to achieve a culture of RCR, and this offers a creative opportunity for reaching this goal. RCR increases the perceived value of research to those who both fund and consume it – the public. RCR also makes the conduct of research and research training more efficient to the extent that potentially highly charged, contentious issues are avoided by employing best practices, including open communications of standards and expectations.
Faculty Q&A
Answering your questions
Each month we answer a question from the faculty. Please send your questions to
I am submitting a proposal to another university. The award will be a subcontract from the other university to UM. What documentation is required by the ORSP for this type of proposal submission?
Submitting a proposal in which UM is a potential subcontractor to another institution requires the same documentation and approvals as any other proposal submission. At a minimum, the ORSP will need a copy of the proposal, a budget and a transmittal sheet.
The lead institution might ask for other documentation such as a copy of UM’s F&A rate agreement, audit report or certain institutional certifications. The ORSP can provide this documentation for you.
The lead institution will likely ask for contact information (name, address, phone, fax, e-mail address) for a technical contact person (the UM principal investigator or project director), a contractual contact person and a fiscal contact person for the subcontract. The ORSP can assist you with this information, as well.
Speaking of COS
Search Wizard Helps Get New COS Funding Opportunities Users Up to Speed
The Search Wizard interface in COS Funding Opportunities is an ideal way for new users to become familiar with the many criteria on which they can base their searches. While the traditional Main Search interface can be challenging the first few times, the Search Wizard covers the same fields one by one. Search Wizard may seem slow for more experienced users, but it’s ideal to initiate new users to building targeted searches in COS Funding Opportunities. To try the Search Wizard, go to (using any UM campus computer).]
Don't Know About COS?
Check out our COS page, the January 2005, September 2006, and March 2007 newsletter articles, and/or the COS home page. COS is for all UM faculty in all academic disciplines and research areas.
Some Upcoming Events
Third International Conference on Telecommunications and Networking (TeNe 2007) ~ December 3-12 on the Internet
TeNe 2007 provides a virtual forum for presentation and discussion of the state-of the-art research on Telecommunications and Networking. TeNe 2007 is one of the sub-conferences in the CISSE series of international joint e-conferences. The virtual conference will be conducted through the Internet using web-conferencing tools, made available by the conference. Topics include Optical Networks and Switching, Computer Networks, Network Architectures and Equipment, Access Technologies, Telecommunication Technology, Coding and Modulation Technique, Modeling and Simulation, Spread Spectrum and CDMA Systems, OFDM Technology, Space-time Coding, Ultra Wideband Communications, Medium Access Control, Spread Spectrum, Wireless LAN: IEEE 802.11, HIPERLAN, Bluetooth, Cellular Wireless Networks, Cordless Systems and Wireless Local Loop, Mobile Network Layer, Mobile Transport Layer, Support for Mobility, Conventional Encryption and Message Confidentiality, Block Ciphers Design Principles, Block Ciphers Modes of Operation, Public-Key Cryptography and Message Authentication, Authentication Application, Stenography, Electronic Mail Security, Web Security, IP Security, Firewalls, Computer Forensics. For more information, please visit
American Historical Association ~ January 3-6 in Washington DC
The American Historical Association was founded in 1884 and has held an Annual Meeting since 1885. The AHA Program Committee schedules 180 to 200 sessions addressing a wide range of topics, including scholarly research, approaches to teaching, and professional concerns. Approximately four dozen affiliated societies meet jointly with the AHA. For more information, go to
American Economic Association ~ January 4-6 in New Orleans
The American Economic Association, in conjunction with approximately 50 associations in related disciplines, holds a three-day meeting each January to present papers on general economic subjects. Over 450 scholarly sessions are held. For more information, go to
EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative Annual Meeting ~ January 28-30 in San Antonio
In the ELI tradition, the annual meeting is a setting for interactive, hands-on learning and networking, with a variety of presentations, discussions, and workshops. Sessions will fall into one of three interest areas: learners, learning principles and practices, and learning technologies. For more information, visit
American Association for the Advancement of Science ~ February 14-18 in Boston
Each year at the AAAS Annual Meeting, science and technology professionals—from across disciplines and around the world—gather to discuss new research, emerging trends, and exciting new possibilities. This year's theme, Science and Technology from a Global Perspective, emphasizes the power of science and technology as well as education to assist less-developed segments of the world society, to improve partnerships among already-developed countries, and to spur knowledge-driven transformations across a host of fields. For more information, please visit
A Few Program Announcements and Deadlines
NSF Major Research Instrumentation ~ Internal Deadline November 16/NSF Deadline January 24
UM Internal Selection Process and Schedule: www.research.olemiss.edufunding/NSF_MRI_F07.html
The National Science Foundation's Major Research Instrumentation Program assists in the acquisition or development of major research instrumentation by U.S. institutions that is, in general, too costly for support through other NSF programs. The maintenance and technical support associated with these instruments is also supported. Proposals may be for a single instrument, a large system of instruments, or multiple instruments that share a common or specific research focus. Each institution is limited to three proposals, of which one must be solely for instrumentation development.
Sponsor Website:
COS Record:
American Philosophical Society Franklin Research Grants ~ Deadline December 3
The American Philosophical Society's Franklin Research Grants program awards small grants to scholars in order to support the cost of noncommercial research leading to publication in all areas of knowledge. The grants are intended to help meet the costs of travel to libraries and archives for research purposes; the purchase of microfilm, photocopies, or equivalent research materials; the costs associated with fieldwork; or laboratory research expenses. The grants are not intended to meet the expenses of attending conferences or the costs of publication.
Sponsor Website:
COS Record:
Allen Foundation Grants ~ Deadline December 31
The Allen Foundation awards grants to projects that primarily benefit programs for human nutrition in the areas of health, education, training, and research. The policies and priorities of the Allen Foundation are
•to make grants to fund relevant nutritional research;
•to support programs for the education and training of mothers during pregnancy and after the birth of their children, so that good nutritional habits can be formed at an early age;
•to assist in the training of persons to work as educators and demonstrators of good nutritional practices;
•to encourage the dissemination of information regarding healthful nutritional practices and habits; and,
•in limited situations, to make grants to help solve immediate emergency hunger and malnutrition problems.
The connections between diet and health remain a basic and primary priority, and consideration has always been given to projects that benefit nutritional programs in the areas of education, training, and research.
Sponsor Website:
COS Record:
National Science Foundation Environmental Sustainability Program ~ Deadline March 1
The Environmental Sustainability program supports engineering research with the goal of promoting sustainable engineered systems that support human well-being and that also are compatible with sustaining natural (environmental) systems, which provide ecological services vital for human survival. The long-term viability of natural capital is critical for many areas of human endeavor, including agriculture, industry, and tourism. Research in Environmental Sustainability considers long time horizons and incorporates contributions from the social sciences and ethics.
This program supports engineering research that seeks to balance society's need to provide ecological protection and maintain stable economic conditions. Research is encouraged to advance the next generation of water and wastewater treatment that will decrease material and energy use, consider new paradigms for delivery of services, and promote longer life for engineered systems.
Sponsor Website:
COS Record:
Find MORE on the ORSP Funding Opportunities Recent Announcements page
SEARCH using COS Funding Opportunities
Bits & Pieces
2008 WERC Environmental Design Contest
WERC's Environmental Design Contest is a unique event that brings together industry, government and academia in the search for improved environmental solutions. Held annually since 1991 at New Mexico State University in Las Cruces , New Mexico , the contest draws hundreds of college students from throughout the United States and around the world. The student teams design solutions for real-world problems while developing fully operational bench-scale solutions that are presented to panels of judges comprised of environmental professionals. The teams prepare four different presentations: written, oral, poster and bench-scale model.
Many universities use the contest as part of their capstone design courses. After the contest, WERC provides the judges' feedback to the participants. Feedback to the students has become an important part of ABET accreditation. For UM’s young engineers and scientists who are interested in participating, here is the link to all the information about applying and the tasks:
Oak Ridge Associated Universities (UM is a member) sponsors a special WERC award to a member school each year, and also awards travel funds to several member schools. Last year the University of Arkansas team won the $2,500 ORAU Environmental Improvement Realization Award for Achievement and Technical Communication. This year’s application deadline for ORAU support is December 7, 2007.
Take Heart, Researchers Seeking NIH Funding
Mario Capecchi, co-recipient of the 2007 Nobel Prize for Medicine, has long been funded by the NIH, but even he had difficulty getting support earlier in his career. On October 9, 2007 , the San Francisco Chronicle reported as follows: “In 1980 (NIH) rejected Capecchi’s grant application for experiments on the feasibility of gene targeting, declaring it unlikely to succeed and ‘unworthy of pursuit.’ He pressed on anyway.”
Technology Management Guide Posted
The ORSP Division of Technology Management has recently updated its website to include the newly revised Innovator’s Handbook. This guide will provide researchers with information on all the services available from DTM, as well as topics such as the procedure for reporting new innovations, how to request agreements for collaborative research endeavors, and information for faculty members interested in starting their own companies. The Innovator’s Handbook can be quickly located in the Researcher’s Toolbox on the ORSP website.
Proposal Activity ~ UM faculty and staff submitted 26 external funding proposals during September 2007. For a complete listing, see the September 2007 Report page.
Award Activity ~ UM faculty and staff received 23 external funding awards during September 2007. For a complete listing, see the September 2007 Report page.
For complete information about the ORSP — mission, structure, services, responsibilities, and more — visit the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs page
Congratulations from the VCRSP
The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs oversees funding for research, service,
education projects. These activities complement the fundamental aspects of The University of Mississippi’s mission and are among its most tangible contributions to the future. Funding for these activities is one of the best measures of a university’s success in engaging with national and international communities.
All of us who have sought funding to test our ideas know that it is difficult and that the communities to which we belong are highly competitive. That spirit of competition is critical and it contributes more than a little to the relief and excitement a researcher feels on receiving a funding award.
Listed below are our colleagues who have been notified of external funding awards in the last calendar month. Please join me in congratulating them. The news of their discoveries and the importance of their contributions are part of all of our futures and the future of Ole Miss.
Alice M. Clark, Ph.D.
Vice Chancellor for Research and Sponsored Programs
PI Name |
PI Department/Unit |
Co-PI Name/s |
Agarwal, A. |
National Center for Natural Products Research |
Bass, H. |
National Center for Physical Acoustics |
Seiner, J.
Anderson, J. |
Bass, H. |
National Center for Physical Acoustics |
Seiner, J. |
Bell, D. |
School of Law |
Brewer, J. |
Biology |
Byrd, H. |
Pharmacy Practice |
Davidson, G. |
Geology and Geological Engineering |
Dougherty, B. |
Center for Educational Research and Evaluation |
Harper, M. |
Ferreira, D. |
Pharmacognosy |
Gilbert, K. |
National Center for Physical Acoustics |
Sabatier, J. |
Gohm, C. |
Psychology |
Gross, A. |
Psychology |
Gurley, W. |
Small Business Development Center |
Vanderlip, M. |
Highsmith, R. |
National Institute of Undersea Science Technology |
Howard, J. |
History |
Johnson, J. |
Sociology and Anthropology |
Khan, I. |
National Center for Natural Products Research |
Walker, L. |
O'Dell, K. |
Social Work |
Oakley, C. |
National Food Service Management Institute |
Prasad, S. |
Civil Engineering |
Shackelford, K. |
Social Work |
Windham, J. |
University Procurement Services |
Bost, R. |
Zjawiony, J. |
Pharmacognosy |
September 2007 Report: A list of awards received and proposals submitted by The University of Mississippi in the previous month.
September Proposals Submitted: 26 from 22 Principal Investigators
September Awards Received: 23 totaling $11,529,044
FY08 Year-to-Date Number of Active Sponsored Projects: 420
FY08 Year-to-Date Number of Active Investigators: 83