Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
University of Mississippi
662.915.7482 voice
662.915.7577 fax
Quotation Corner ~
Genius is eternal patience.
Faculty Q&A
Answering your questions
Each month we answer a question from the faculty. Please send your questions to
Are there any “red flags” that I should pay particular attention to when reviewing the terms and conditions of an externally funded award or of a request for proposals?
In reviewing the terms and conditions of an award or of an RFP, keep in mind the primary functions of the university: the creation, dissemination, and application of knowledge. Any language in an award or RFP that is contrary to the university’s mission is a “red flag.” Following are some examples:
- Restrictions on publications – As a public university, we ordinarily publish and share our research results broadly in the scientific community, so we want to protect our right to disseminate research results in publications.
- Restrictions on foreign nationals – As a public university, we want to make sure there are no restrictions on the personnel that may work on the project or have access to project results.
- Indemnification – UM is an institution of the State of Mississippi, and state law does not give us the authority to indemnify.
- Restrictions on the university’s intellectual property rights – As a public university, we must protect our intellectual property and data rights.
- Excessive reporting or invoicing requirements – Reporting or invoicing requirements that are more frequent or more detailed than normally required can place undue burdens on the investigator, the department or other support offices at the university.
If there is language in the award that includes any of the “red flag” items mentioned above, or other items that may be unacceptable to the investigator or to the university, then the ORSP will try to negotiate with the sponsor to have the language removed from the award.
Speaking of COS
Sharing Searches
Have you tried the Shared Search feature in COS Funding Opportunities? It's an easy way to share not only the results of a search, but also the set of search criteria. When you share a search with other COS users, they receive a dynamic hyperlink that they can click to re-run your search. You can also take that dynamic hyperlink and post it on a webpage so that anyone can click it and run the search.
Imagine that your research group is undertaking three new areas of focus. Several people are working on projects in each area, and all need funding. You build a search for each topic, save the searches, share them with yourself so you receive emails with the dynamic hyperlinks, then post them on your web page. Then anyone working with you can use the shared search. Sharing a search is quite easy:
- Create a search in COS Funding Opportunities and run it.
- At the top of the results screen, click on Save Search, then name it
- This will take you to your COS Workbench
- See your search in your Saved Funding Services
- Click Share, enter your colleague’s information, and then Send
The recipient can then save the link and run the search whenever they choose. They can also run the search once and save it for themselves to their COS Workbench, where it becomes their own search.
Note that if you, as the originator of the Shared Search, make any changes to it, those changes will be reflected the next time someone runs the search from the Shared link. If you delete your original search, the Shared link will no longer work.
Don't Know About COS?
Check out our COS page, the January 2005, September 2006, and March 2007 newsletter articles, and/or the COS home page. COS is for all UM faculty in all academic disciplines and research areas.
A Few Program Announcements and Deadlines
National Council for Science and the Environment:
Wildlife Habitat Policy Research Program ~ Letter of Intent Deadline December 3
The WHPRP will fund six specific projects in 2008 related to the implementation of State Wildlife Action Plans and wildlife habitat conservation in the United States. Project topics include:
- Wildlife Funding /Policy Linkages: Using State Wildlife Action Plan priorities to directly shape policies and direct expenditures at multiple levels of government
- Efficiency of Land Conservation Spending for Priority Habitats
- Time Sensitivity of Priority Habitats
- Hazard Mitigation Policy Applied to Coastal and Floodplain Habitats
- Development of a Research Framework for Climate and Wildlife
- Habitat Policy and Management
- Impacts of Bio-Energy Production on Conservation of Wildlife Habitat
Based upon the Letters of Intent, three candidates for each project will be invited to submit full proposals for external review. The WHPRP’s mission is to develop and disseminate new information and tools to accelerate the conservation of wildlife habitat in the U.S. The WHPRP sponsors work that is of the highest technical quality and also relevant to the needs of policy makers, administrators, resource managers, practitioners, and landowners.
Sponsor Website:
American Antiquarian Society Fellowships ~ Deadline January 15
The American Antiquarian Society (AAS) offers the Jay and Deborah Last Fellowships in American Visual Culture as short-term visiting academic research fellowships to support research on American art, visual culture, or other projects that will make substantial use of graphic materials as primary sources. Fellows may pursue research on American graphic material of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries or projects using visual arts as primary documents for projects in American history and culture through 1876. The fellowships are designed to enable the fellows to spend an uninterrupted block of time doing research in the AAS library on their projects and discussing their work with others.
Sponsor Website:
COS Record:
NSF Chemistry Research Instrumentation and Facilities ~ Deadline February 1
The Division of Chemistry of the National Science Foundation, under the umbrella of the Chemistry Research Instrumentation and Facilities (CRIF) Program, has provided support to research institutions and consortia for the establishment of regional or national instrumentation facilities, the purchase of departmental research instrumentation, and the development of state-of-the-art equipment. With this solicitation, the instrumentation facilities component of the CRIF Program is expanded to address the growing importance of cyber-enabled chemistry in the research endeavor. The Chemistry Research Instrumentation and Facilities: Cyberinfrastructure and Research Facilities (CRIF:CRF) Program provides funding to build a foundation for cyber-enabled chemical research and education; and to establish and support multi-user instrumentation research facilities with unique capabilities in the chemical sciences.
Sponsor Website:
COS Record:
NIH Ethical, Legal and Social Implications of Human Genome Research (ELSI)
This Funding Opportunity Announcement is designed to encourage research projects that anticipate, analyze and address the ethical, legal, and social implications (ELSI) of the discovery and use of new information and technologies resulting from human genomic research. Of particular interest are studies that examine issues and, where appropriate, develop policy options in the following areas: 1) the translation of genomic information to improved human health; 2) the conduct of genomic research; 3) intellectual property issues surrounding access to and use of genomic information; 4) non-medical applications of genomic technologies and information; 5) the impact of genomics on concepts of race, ethnicity, kinship and individual and group identity; 6) the implications of uncovering genetic contributions to not only disease, but also 'normal' human traits and behaviors; and 7) the ethical boundaries for the uses of genomics.
ELSI Regular Research Program (R01) ~ Deadlines February 5, June 5, October 5
Sponsor Website:
COS Record:
ELSI Small Grant Research Program (R03) ~ Deadlines February 16, June 16, October 16
Sponsor Website:
COS Record:
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars Short-Term Grants ~ Deadlines March 1, June 1, September 1, December 1
With funding provided by Title VIII (the Act for Research and Training for Eastern Europe and Independent States of Former Soviet Union), East European Studies (EES) offers short-term grants to scholars working on policy relevant projects on East Europe. Special consideration will be given to projects on Southeast Europe, or projects that can be credibly linked to issues in the Western Balkans. Projects should focus on fields in the social sciences and humanities including, but not limited to, anthropology, history, political science, Slavic languages and literatures, and sociology. All projects should aim to highlight their potential policy relevance.
Sponsor Website: CLICK HERE
COS Record:
Find MORE on the ORSP Funding Opportunities Recent Announcements page
SEARCH using COS Funding Opportunities
Bits & Pieces
A Note about Human Subject Protection Training
CITI training certification is good for two years. On or before your two-year anniversary date, you must complete a CITI Refresher course in order to be re-certified. Information about registering for Refresher courses can be found on the CITI website. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the IRB Coordinator, Diane W. Lindley, at or 662-915-7482.
Proposal Activity ~ UM faculty and staff submitted 32 external funding proposals during October 2007. For a complete listing, see the October 2007 Report page.
Award Activity ~ UM faculty and staff received 39 external funding awards during October 2007. For a complete listing, see the October 2007 Report page.
Faculty Research Program
• The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs received 52 proposals at the October 1 deadline for the 2007-2008 Faculty Research Program grants. The primary purpose of the grants is to provide initial support for projects that will be of interest to external funding agencies, and priority is given to beginning tenure-track faculty who are establishing their research programs. Internal peer review committees have completed their discussions; results will be forwarded to Alice Clark, Vice Chancellor for Research and Sponsored Programs, who will make funding decisions based on committee evaluations and availability of funds. Grant awards will be announced by December 7 and published in the December edition of Research Highlights.
• On November 13, the annual Faculty Research Program Poster Symposium was presented in the Lobby of the Student Union. Members of the Faculty Research Fellows Class of 2007 presented posters on their FRP-funded research projects and talked with visitors during the 12:00-1:30 symposium. To view a slideshow of the event, go to www.research.olemiss.eduevents/ and click on 2007.
Faculty Travel Support
Ten applications were received at the October 15 deadline for ORSP Faculty Travel Support, requesting a total of $9,665. After committee review and allocation, $4,725 was awarded among eight applicants to help support their research-related travel. Examples of research purposes for which faculty were awarded support include:
- Meet with research collaborators and industrial sponsors about proposal development
- Conduct library archival research on original manuscript
- Meet with NSF program officer and with international collaborators
- Attend research methods workshops at regional conference
For complete information about the ORSP — mission, structure, services, responsibilities, and more — visit the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs page
Congratulations from the VCRSP
The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs oversees funding for research, service,
education projects. These activities complement the fundamental aspects of The University of Mississippi’s mission and are among its most tangible contributions to the future. Funding for these activities is one of the best measures of a university’s success in engaging with national and international communities.
All of us who have sought funding to test our ideas know that it is difficult and that the communities to which we belong are highly competitive. That spirit of competition is critical and it contributes more than a little to the relief and excitement a researcher feels on receiving a funding award.
Listed below are our colleagues who have been notified of external funding awards in the last calendar month. Please join me in congratulating them. The news of their discoveries and the importance of their contributions are part of all of our futures and the future of Ole Miss.
Alice M. Clark, Ph.D.
Vice Chancellor for Research and Sponsored Programs
PI Name |
PI Department/Unit |
Co-PI Name/s |
Abadie, A. |
Center for the Study of Southern Culture |
Angle, T. |
Division of Outreach and Continuing Education |
Avery, B. |
Pharmaceutics |
Bass, H. |
National Center for Physical Acoustics |
Seiner, J. |
Bass, H. |
National Center for Physical Acoustics |
Sabatier, J.
Chambers, J.
Hickey, C.
Brewer, J. |
Biology |
Chambers, J. |
National Center for Physical Acoustics |
Cheng, A. |
Civil Engineering |
Church, C. |
National Center for Physical Acoustics |
Clancy, T. |
National Center for Justice and Rule of Law |
Clark, A. |
Office of Research and Sponsored Programs |
Cleary, J. |
Pharmacy Practice |
Cole, D. |
Office of the Chancellor |
Davidson, G. |
Geology and Geological Engineering |
Dyer, D. |
Modern Languages |
Easson, G. |
University of Mississippi Geoinformatics Center |
Robinson, H. |
Hickey, C. |
National Center for Physical Acoustics |
Holland, M. |
Biology |
Highsmith, R. |
Johnson, J. |
Sociology and Anthropology |
Jones, T. |
Physical Plant |
Pearson, A. |
Khan, I. |
National Center for Natural Products Research |
Pasco, D. |
McConnell, G. |
Curriculum and Instruction |
McElreath, D. |
Legal Studies |
Mullen, C. |
Civil Engineering |
Oakley, C. |
National Food Service Management Institute |
Parker, J. |
Office of the Dean of Education |
Prasad, S. |
Civil Engineering |
Seiner, J. (2 awards) |
National Center for Physical Acoustics |
Shelton-Richey, E. (2 awards) |
Division of Outreach and Continuing Education |
Sukanek, P. |
Chemical Engineering |
Sukanek, P. |
Chemical Engineering |
O'Haver, J. |
Walker, L. |
National Center for Natural Products Research |
Nanayakkara, N.
Tekwani, B. |
Walker, L. |
National Center for Natural Products Research |
Khan, I. |
Wang, S. (2 awards) |
National Center for Computational Hydroscience and Engineering |
Wilkin, N. |
Center for Pharmaceutical Marketing and Management |
Lobb, W. |
Williamson, J. |
Medicinal Chemistry |
Avery, M.
Borne, R.
McCurdy, C.
Rimoldi, J. |
October 2007 Report: A list of awards received and proposals submitted by The University of Mississippi in the previous month.
October Proposals Submitted: 32 from 29 Principal Investigators
October Awards Received: 39 totaling $7,566,179
FY08 Year-to-Date Number of Active Sponsored Projects: 437
FY08 Year-to-Date Number of Active Investigators: 205