NSF EPSCoR Outreach – Summer 2016 Lab Experience for High School Students

5,000 of NSF EPSCoR funding is available for one UM or UMMC Summer 2016 outreach project to high school students. UM and UMMC white papers should be submitted on or before 2/1/2016, using the UM InfoReady portal at: https://olemiss.infoready4.com/. New users to this portal will first need Register (top right link on the web page) for an InfoReady account, using their UM or UMMC e-mail address. The competition is listed in the portal as EPSCoR High School Student Outreach Summer 2016.

White papers should include the following information:

1.     Cover Page (1 page)

a.     Proposal Title

b.     Principal Investigator (s) (Full name, Title, Primary Affiliation [e.g., the University of Mississippi, or the University of Mississippi Medical Center], Office Phone Numbers and Cell Phone Number, Fax Number, E-mail Address)

c.     Any External/Internal Collaborator(s) (Full name, Title, Primary Affiliation, Office Phone Numbers and Cell Phone Number, Fax Number, E-mail Address)

2.     Proposal (Maximum of 2 pages)

a.     Overview of proposed activities and relevance to NSF EPSCoR[1] (~0.5 page)

b.     Plan and expected results—include a description of the nature of the proposed activities and the impact on students—esp. from under-represented groups (Women, African Americans, Hispanics, Pacific Islanders, American Indians, or the Disabled) (~0.5 page)

c.     Nature of proposed collaboration with ongoing EPSCoR research activities (~0.5 page)[2]

3.     Budget (1 page) How will you spend NSF’s $5,000, and how will you meet/spend the required 20% cost share [$1,000]? Specify the cost share source (e.g., the department). Budgets may include faculty salary, fees, tuition, supplies, contractual, and travel. Be sure to include appropriate fringes on all personnel salary. Subcontracts are not allowed—UM white papers should propose UM-only budgets. UMMC white papers should propose UMMC-only budgets.

4.     Student Engagement Plan (1-2 pages) What is the plan for recruiting student participants? The plan for supervising and ensuring their safety, both while in the laboratory and out of the laboratory? For taking care of them during and after business hours, including training, travel food, lodging, and entertainment? For providing payments, as needed and appropriate?[3]

[2] An example of an acceptable collaboration with ongoing EPSCoR research might be a high school student doing research in the lab of a UM or UMMC investigator who is a co-PI or senior personnel on either of two currently active NSF EPSCoR grants:

·       Feeding and Powering the World - Capturing Sunlight to Split Water and Generate Fertilizer and Fuels (Nathan Hammer, PI) http://laser.chem.olemiss.edu/~EPSCoR/

·       Modeling and Simulation of Complex Systems (Greg Tschumper, UM co-PI0) http://www.msepscor.org/areas/

[3] UM applicants see http://safety.olemiss.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/142/2014/06/minors2015.pdf and https://secure4.olemiss.edu/umpolicyopen/ShowDetails.jsp?istatPara=1&policyObjidPara=11619450.
Per UM policy, undergraduate students may work a maximum of 25 hours/week as paid student employees.