Howard Hughes Medical Institute 2014: Sustaining Excellence

Program: The Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) plays a powerful role in advancing science education in the United States. According to the HHMI, the science education program supports initiatives with the power to transform education in the life sciences for all students.  Their objectives are to recruit and develop talented students who will become the future leaders of science education and to promote scientific literacy among all students.

HHMI expects to make up to 35 awards of up to $2.5 million each over five years to enable universities to develop and implement strategies that will significantly increase the persistence in science of undergraduate students from all backgrounds, including underrepresented groups. HHMI seeks bold ideas grounded in evidence-based strategies.

Key Dates and Deadlines

5/7/2013         Notify of intent to submit pre-proposal.
5/21/2013       UM Internal proposals due to (5pm, CT)
5/28/2013       VCRSP will announce which pre-proposal to develop into full proposal
6/4/2013         Notice of intent due to HHMI (1pm, CT)
9/24/2013       Full proposals due to ORSP (all documents, 8am, CT)
10/1/2013       Full proposals to HHMI via HHMI online competition system (1 pm, CT).

Full Solicitation:

Instructions for UM Pre-Proposals

·      2 to 4 pages, double-spaced, 1-inch margins; 11 point Times New Roman font

·      Be sure to address:

o   proposed activities, including: how proposed strategies are based on research in literature and/or evidence here or elsewhere; potential to make a difference at UM; alignment with goal of student persistence; faculty and administrator involvement; plan for engaging larger numbers of early-stage undergraduates in research;

o   potential for long-term impact, including: how UM will sustain the program; how institutional data will be leveraged; outcomes-based assessment plan;

o   any institutional programs or resources that will be leveraged

o   include signatures of all named participants and UM administrators who support this pre-proposal (Chairs, Deans, etc.)

o   summary timeline and summary budget (not detailed)


UM/ORSP Standard Procedure for Limited Submissions:

The University of Mississippi may submit only one proposal to this competition.